God Was Born

Lord God Almighty
I AM She Messiah
Published in
Oct 24, 2023

It’s a world of followers, delusional and incompetent minds that can’t understand a foot is a foot. Isaiah nine six reads that God was born, flesh and blood like his creation. God is a living God opposite of what the world teach you about God. They taught God was not born but now it has been confirmed a lie spoken by incompetent minds. Also 1 Corinthians 11:7 speaks about the cutting of the hair, the incompetence of the world doesn’t know what an image is or was in the mist of thier own confusion. When you cut your hair : you cutting it off your head so that means God has an image in flesh and God keeps his hair trimmed in Flesh. “Emmanuel means God with us. “

I AM the Almighty God and I was born. I AM a Living God.

