Celestial Ring Airdrop on May 15th

Published in
5 min readApr 12, 2019

The time window of the honor system is closing. Acquired ranks will move on chain via Celestial Rings. These limited NFTs grant early access to the next Chainbreakers game which is linked below this article. Celestial rings will also have future in-game utility which will be announced later on.

With the future Chainbreakers game we will introduce cosmetics of different tiers. Those attachments allow players to customize their items. They can only be equipped if the player owns the required item and are only displayed in the client of “Chainbreakers 2”.

The tradable cosmetic NFTs are sold later this year in the “Chainbreakers 2" cosmetic sale. Celestial Rings enable their owners to priority purchase those new cosmetics. Unclaimed rings will be burned.

The higher the rank, the more limited the supply

Issuing 500 Celestial Rings to early Supporters

Anyone who is ranked has already secured a Celestial Ring. Those who did not acquire a rank so far, still have a chance to get ranked until May 15th until 12 PM GMT. The rings will be tradable and come in limited supply — First come, first served.

Over 100 rings are already acquired by community members. In contrast to the pet event, each player receives a single ring according to their rank.

Bronze Celestial Rings

  • Early Access to the game client the next Chainbreakers game
  • Display the acquired rank next to your player name
  • Priority Purchase in the future cosmetic sale
  • In-game utility to be announced

Silver Celestial Rings

  • Early Access to the game client the next Chainbreakers game
  • Display the acquired rank next to your player name
  • Priority Purchase and 5% discount in the future cosmetic sale
  • In-game utility to be announced

Gold Celestial Rings

  • Early Access to the game client the next Chainbreakers game
  • Display the acquired rank next to your player name
  • Priority Purchase and 10% discount in the future cosmetic sale
  • In-game utility to be announced
  • Heavy Supporters Special

What is the “Heavy Supporters Special”?

We will send free cosmetic bundles to our largest investors according to the number of cosmetic attachments sold in the cosmetic sale. The community is still very small and we appreciate your support over the last months.

We’ll ensure that 10% of purchased cosmetics will be kept and distributed to those who have acquired a Gold Celestial Ring. The gifts are kept related to the quality levels of the purchased cosmetics. All cosmetics can be acquired from the start. There’s no cosmetic exclusivity linked to the supporters special.

The owner of the demigod ring receives 4% of the kept cosmetics. Rank 9 owners receive 1% (3% distributed across 3 rings) and rank 8 owners get 0.5% of the cosmetic attachments (3% split to 6 rings).

Example Calculation

5000 cosmetics of “quality a” are sold.
300 cosmetics of “quality b” are sold.

  • Rank 10 receives a NFT bundle consisting of
    5000 * 0,04 = 200 cosmetics of “quality a”
    300 * 0,04 = 12 cosmetics of “quality b”
  • Each rank 9 receives a NFT bundle consisting of
    5000 * 0,01 = 50 cosmetics of “quality a”
    300 * 0,01 = 3 cosmetics of “quality b”
  • Each rank 8 receives a NFT bundle consisting of
    5000 * 0,005 = 25 cosmetics of “quality a”
    300 * 0,005 = 1.5 => 2 cosmetics of “quality b”

The additional NFTs are taken out of the remaining supply. To prevent that all cosmetics can be sold out, the public sale is capped at 90%. The remaining 10% cosmetic supply will be minted and send to the gold ring owners in case all available cosmetics sell.

If nobody claims the rank 10 ring, the linked 4% are not redistributed across other gold ring owners. In that case 1% * rank 9 owners and 0.5% * rank 8 owners will be distributed which resolves in less than 10% items being kept.

How Priority Purchase works

The cosmetic sale will feature a tiered entry. Higher ring owners are able to purchase before lower ranked rings. Players without a ring are able to buy after the lowest ring had the chance to buy cosmetics.

This way we can make sure that our existing community can get their hands on their favorite cosmetics before the general public can purchase.

Last chance to increase your rank

The event ends on May 15th at 12 PM GMT before the Celestial Rings are minted and airdropped. The rings will be distributed according to the transactions on the Ethereum blockchain. You can retrieve the current list of participants in Discord by typing “!rings”.

This overlaps with the baby pet event that ends on April 30th. If you plan to get ranked anyways you should not miss out on these precious companions that are only available to early supporters.

NFT Interoperability within Chainbreakers

All items that are purchased in our current crowdsale are utilized by the next Chainbreakers game. The future cosmetic sale extends the utility of our existing CBI token which should drive demand on the required items.

You can learn more about our greater vision in the recently published article about the future of Chainbreakers.

Connect your Chainbreakers account to Discord

Enter your account settings to connect your Chainbreakers account with your Discord handle. The process is pretty intuitive and a successful handshake grants a Discord role that reflects your honor. You just need to validate your account by sending a private message to official Chainbreakers bot.

Learn about your personal progress by sending “!rank”. You can open the help menu by typing “!help”. Please interact with our bot in #bot-spam to keep the Discord server readable.

Get ranked to receive one of 500 Celestial Rings

The Chainbreakers rank system is based on honor. Ranks are an indication for early investors and community members. Players can primarily obtain honor by purchasing items in the official crowdsale.

A second way to acquire honor is by referring friends. Any purchases done by the referred user generate a bonus for the owner of the referral URL. Users are linked to the last referral URL they visited which is displayed in the settings.

