4 Bird Qwips That Make My Day

QwipIt Stories
Published in
2 min readMar 30, 2016

I’ll be the first one to admit that I’m not a huge fan of birds. It doesn’t even matter what type. Birds just aren’t my cup of tea. Every once in awhile I find myself staring longingly at them at the pet store. So I go home, turn on the internets, and fire up YouTube. I enter b-i-r-d. Before I hit enter I have the moment where I’m unsure if I really want to do it: fall down the proverbial rabbit hole of bird debauchery. Why would any sane person who doesn’t even like birds want to watch bird videos? This internal debate goes on for about 15 seconds before I just hit enter.

My friends, I’m never disappointed with bird YouTube searches. In fact, I take it so far that I beg a family member to do the cracker challenge with me afterwards. (because.. well.. Polly wants a cracker, right?)

Here are my top four (for right now) favorite bird videos.

#4 — This bird reminds me of so many times I’ve stared at family or friends and been like: Really? WTF ARE you doing right now? All while staring bewilderingly at this person as I contemplate on just what is running through their head.

#3 — After I saw this video, I was that paranoid mom at the park looking to the skies. What if a giant eagle scooped up my 4 year old? How would I handle that? I even go as far as to consider bringing a bat with me. But, as luck would have it, every time I ask my husband where he put the bat as I’m getting ready to go to the park, he gives me “the look” and won’t tell me. Maybe he just needs to watch this video to understand my fear of swooping birds.

#2 — Speaking of kids, do your kids always pine for a talking bird as a pet? Mine do. They want to teach it phrases such as “poo” or “do I have too.” Me, I want a cussing bird. Especially when the missionaries come to my door.

#1 — This one NEVER gets old. I watch it every week. Each time I see it, I still crack up like it’s the first time I saw it. First, the bird plays soccer. What bird can do that?! Second, the music. Nuff said. Lastly, the bird is bobbing around like he is in the official music video.

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