Dear Momma,

QwipIt Stories


Mother’s Day is drawing near. I want to take this moment (and platform) to tell you how much you mean to me.

Thank you for [almost] always answering the phone to answer my questions. Sometimes I was just unsure if brown and slimy equaled cook thoroughly, or throw it out NOW.

Thank you for introducing me to Victoria Secrets at a young age. I grew up thinking that all bras were meant to be pretty, lined, and contain some lace. It wasn’t until gym class that I realized not all bras were created equal.

Thank you for always knowing when it was appropriate to run the video camera. And then continue to run the camera while you laughed about it. 😕😄

While you were never the parent who volunteered backstage for the school play, or you never made a costume (thanks for NOT volunteering for that…), you were always there in the audience cheering me on. Even if the play was shit.

Lastly, thanks for not sugar coating life. For telling me it was going to be hard and that I was going to loose more times than I would win. But that you would be there along the way. I think that this is your best piece of advice.

Love, A-man-duh

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