Is Changing One Letter a Re-Brand?

QwipIt Stories
Published in
2 min readAug 2, 2016

We changed ONE letter. ONE letter. I’m not sure this constitutes as a re-brand. Maybe it does.

pssstt…. we moved to www.qwip.IN

This one letter change to our video clipping product (which is crazy fun to use), will allow QwipIt to morph into the butterfly it’s been trying to become. A butterfly that is centered around one purpose: To make conversations more human.

Yes, it sounds like a contradictory phrase. But online, all of us, are having conversations. Sometimes the conversations are with people we know. Sometimes we have never met the person face-to-face. Sometimes these conversations are one-way and frustrating. In steps QwipIt. We are going to be the magic makers who aid in over arching goal of making online conversations as pleasant as talking to your neighbor over the fence.

The point is… clipping videos to share with others are only a piece of this mission. An important and fun piece. That’s why team QwipIt chose to keep the lights on. But in order to do so, we needed to move it to a different domain and give it a slight re-brand (for now). So go visit www.qwip.IN.

We hope you continue this journey with us. And, of course, make awesome qwips that make me giggle!

Qwip On!

