QWLA | Bounce Voting Mechanics

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2 min readSep 3, 2021

One of the main features of the QWLA Token is Bounce Voting, this is a new concept to the blockchain and when executed is quite simple. The fundamentals of Bounce Voting is allowing stakeholders the ability to vote and contribute to the network features and where ETFT funds are vested. Development and active features are still in development as we take on stakeholders for voting.

Token Holder will connect their wallet to the QWLA governance application enabling voting rights. Voting will be enabled through https://funds.qwla.io and all voting info will be available 3 weeks before final vote. Each vote will be called through a secure Smart Contract which will be audited before and after each vote.

Voting Architecture

  1. Only QWLA token holders can access voting smart contract
  2. Wallets may only vote once
  3. Weight of vote is depending on QWLA tokens held
  4. Bounce Vote will verify Wallet and QWLA Tokens ( QWLA Tokens must have been held in wallet for 3 day prior to vote )
  5. Results based smart contract publicly available



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