Ford, GE Healthcare win $336M from federal government for Ventilator Production.

2 min readApr 21, 2020

In March of 2020, Ford had announced their partnership with GE Healthcare and 3M to launch production of a ventilator device made by Airon Corp. which is a Florida-based firm. Production of these ventilators are set to kick off starting the 4rd week of April using more than 500 paid UAW volunteers. GE Healthcare is licensing the Model A-E from Airon.

Ford’s work with GE Healthcare to begin manufacturing ventilators for badly stricken coronavirus patients now comes with a federal contract. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services awarded the companies a contract worth $336 million under the Defense Production Act to deliver 50,000 units by July 13.

The contract breaks down to $6,720 per ventilator unit, which reportedly normally sell for $7,000.It’s one face of Ford’s multi-pronged response to aid in the production of critically needed PPE or Personal Protective Equipment and other medical devices needed to fight the COVID-19 outbreak throughout the world.

Ford is also producing respirators, medical gowns, surgical masks, plastic face shields and test kits, either directly at its facilities or by helping suppliers or other companies ramp up production.

To date, Health and Human Services(HHS) says it has finalized contracts to produce more than 41,000 ventilators by the end of May and more than 187,000 units by the end of the year.

Written by → Alen S Thomas
R-Cube is an automotive publication which strives to spread the love for cars and Motorsport as well as constantly keep our readers updated with the day-to-day news of the automotive industry!

