Is a War Being Raged Against the Global Population?

It’s time to wake up folks

Lucien Lecarme


Photo by Steve Knutson on Unsplash

Maybe the target is not Russians nor Putin, maybe it’s you.

Have you ever considered this fact?

Do you realize that the Romans could maintain their empire through Divide et Impera: set people up against each other, always create a new enemy, draw the attention from the real criminals, and stay in charge.

Let’s look at some facts for a moment:

  • Despite sanctions, the ruble just hit a 2 month high.
  • Because of the sanctions, Russia is strengthening economic and military ties with China and other allies.
  • Both in Russia, and the West, ordinary citizens are targeted through insane inflation, from 8% in the U.S to 61.1% !!!!! in Turkey. Mainly caused by excessive energy prices.
  • The war in Ukraine is about energy. Europe was about to get too energy-dependent on Russia. Did the U.S use Ukraine as a weapon to poke the bear?
  • The result? Skyrocketing petrol and gas prices. The oil reserves the world has could have kept the prices on a normal level. The Saudis could have lowered the price to help Westerners out. The U.S could have increased production. None of this happened. Could it be this war is being used by…



Lucien Lecarme
Writer for

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