Why People’s Minds, Made Into Weapons, are More Dangerous than Nukes

It’s time for some respect, inclusion and humanity.

Lucien Lecarme


Photo by Martin Zaenkert on Unsplash

Imagine the public opinion was unified; strongly forcing politicians on all sides to end the Ukraine — Russian war without any more bloodshed. Something, by the way, every single one of us wants.

This potentially was still possible before Covid took away our democracies and social media became the most dividing technology in humanity's history.

I don’t care about the political solution here; I worry about public opinion being steered towards a war. A war that first happens on social media. Cancel Culture all over the place.

When anybody doesn’t condemn Putin as being the new Hitler, you’re out
You’re a denier, a communist. A threat to Western democracy.

See the shift within weeks from #CovidDeniers to #DangerousRussians deniers? In the next step, Cancel Culture blends with the real world. Real Russians are being cancelled through sanctions, worldwide.

99% are innocent civilians that don’t want war.

The danger?

There is no common sane sense behind it. It is consciously steered group-think at best. History shows it can have some very nasty…



Lucien Lecarme
Writer for

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