Marvel’s WandaVision: I Don’t Know Where it’s Going, and I Don’t Care

Michael Minardi
The Spooky Hallway
Published in
2 min readJan 22, 2021

Last week, Marvel released first two episodes of the new Marvel series “WandaVision” on Disney+. The show follows Wanda Maximoff, AKA Scarlet Witch from the “Avengers” films, and Vision, pairing them as a married couple in a 1950s-style sitcom. From the first episode, though, it becomes abundantly clear that there is something darker going on beneath the surface of this lighthearted show, something that both the audience and the main characters will have to unravel.

Do I have a clue what this show is going to be about? Definitely not. Am I aware of the significance of the first two episodes? No, sir. But did I enjoy all 60 minutes of WandaVision so far? Hell yes.

Sure, the first two episodes were used to “set the stage” for the rest of the show. But even in this developmental phase, there’s an eerie, dystopian vibe, similar to that of a Black Mirror episode, or an episode of “The Twilight Zone”. It’s obvious there’s something nefarious hidden behind the guise of a happy-go-lucky sitcom, and I was just waiting for the villain to rear its head.

Even as Wanda and Vision stumble their way through suburban activities like dinner parties and talent shows, there are breaks in the silliness where we’re granted a look at the supernatural power of this couple and the supernatural forces that seem to be after them. These forces show themselves covertly (i.e. a red toy helicopter that shows up in their black-and-white world), and they appear more overtly (i.e. a mysterious beekeeper who literally rises from a manhole in the middle of the night).

Eventually, Marvel will have to link “WandaVision” to the rest of the MCU. I’ve heard theories that the show will be tied to another 2021 Marvel release on Disney+,“Loki”. And when that happens, the storyline will undoubtedly start to pick up some steam. But for now, can’t we just enjoy “WandaVision” for what it is? I’ve seen too many reviews criticizing the show for being too slow or too corny. I’m not sure if these people don’t realize the show isn’t actually a sitcom, or if they just don’t have the patience to sit through an episode of television that isn’t moving at 100 mph.

I don’t have a single clue where “WandaVision” is going to end up, and to be completely honest, I love it. They’ve set the stage perfectly in this off-kilter black-and-white suburban town, and they’ve got the whole MCU to navigate. At the moment, there’s little indication of where this show will go, but I’m beyond excited to see where the journey takes us.

