Are you considering 180 Day Challenge? Here are some fun ideas for you

Ratna Srivastava
R Blogs
Published in
4 min readMar 9, 2022


Image Source: Pixabay

180 Day challenges have taken our world by storm and there’s no reason why you should be left out. Short and sweet, 180 day challenges are entirely doable without being a burden too heavy to bear, or a goal too high to achieve. This makes them super easy and nearly everyone’s cup of tea. But the highlight about 180 Day challenge is the fun, experience and thrill of it!

Here are some creative fun ways

  1. Write down 1 good thing that happened to you everyday for 180 days. It need not be in detail. Just 1 or 2–5 lines suffice. At the end, you will notice many good things happened to you that you never would have realised and remembered had you not written them down. Doing it like an online blog may make it additionally motivating for yourself and also for others, extra cool and a permanent memory for you.
  2. If you’re language learner type: Learn one foreign language word or a phrase everyday. At the end of 3 months you may be able to say ‘Sorry’, ‘Thank you’, ‘My name is’ and some more in that language!
  3. Try eating 180 new dishes every day! Yumm!!! Alternatively you can try cooking 180 new dishes everyday but you are best judge of your culinray capacity. Don’t forget to keep a journal (whether personal hand-written or online with pictures and videos) for the…



Ratna Srivastava
R Blogs

Author of Emit Eht (Science-Fiction/Metaphysical and Visionary Romance) Children’s Author, Thinker, Philosopher. Editor R Blogs, R Quotes.