Can something be both true and false at the same time?
Oh yes. You bet
How is it possible for something to be both right and wrong, or true and false at the same time? Puzzling as it may sound, surprisingly many such things fall under ‘both true and false’ and ‘right and wrong’ category.
Much like the black and white stripes of a zebra both values can co exist together and even maintain their separate identities without surrendering into a spineless grey. Like optical illusions we can easily call them philosophical illusions or simply thought illusions.
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Knowledge, wisdom and folly
Those who don’t have wisdom and knowledge can prove to an admirable extent how knowledge is harmful, useless, overrated and painful. Those who have it can prove how lack of it is a constant hindrance to the ignorant. Both are right and both are wrong. Both are true and both are false. And both are true for themselves and false for the other. One…