Hidden Secret About Psychological Disorders

Ratna Srivastava
R Blogs
Published in
2 min readMay 7, 2023


Psychological Disorders may be hiding a little secret about humans no one wants us to know

The weirdest hidden secret about psychological disorders

Think of world’s all famous saints, prophets, geniuses, thinkers, philosophers, intellectuals, scientists, mathematicians, engineers, authors, poets, inventors, explorers, conquerors. They all had surprisingly one thing in common. Their minds saw their world differently, thought differently, worked differently, reacted differently and lived differently, than other normal people who saw their world as normal, thought normally, worked normally, reacted normally and lived normally.

Our brilliant da Vinci, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Gandhi, Luther, Mandela, Einstein, Tesla, etcetera, have influenced and shaped our world in so many ways: If we could peep inside their minds what would we find? Apart from a different, high-functioning, extremely live wire, busy mind, we would stumble upon at least one, or in some cases many Psychological disorders! That’s right! These extraordinary people, who worked hard to spread their unique ideas, were, according to modern psychological assessment, suffering from one or several psychological disorders since they did things that normal, psychologically fit people never do.



Ratna Srivastava
R Blogs

Author of Emit Eht (Science-Fiction/Metaphysical and Visionary Romance) Children’s Author, Thinker, Philosopher. Editor R Blogs, R Quotes.