Is Amber Heard a Narcissist?

Ratna Srivastava
R Blogs
Published in
14 min readJun 15, 2022


The Story of Snow White’s Stepmom and Johnny Depp

Image Source: Wikipedia

They were the stuff fairytales are made of. One kiss and they madly fell in love. A few months and they madly fell out. The one thing missing was a villain. Who knew the heroine of the story would also be the villain? Their relationship became so violent it tore apart their lives, careers, reputation, laws, fans, opinions, film industry, social media, and law experts.
Some felt Johnny was too good to be bad. Some felt Amber was too bad to be good. Others swore they had gut feelings right from the start that she was ‘just not right’, ‘just not genuine’, ‘just narcissistic.’

But who are narcissists?

Snow White’s stepmom used to be the best examples of a narcissist. Since May 2022, after the Jonny Depp Amber Heard Defamation Trial she has been rudely replaced by Amber Heard!

Narcissists are super predators. Spurred by negative experiences in their early life or through genetically inherited traits, they learn predatory behaviour which on closer examination appears to be advanced survival technique and mechanism. In ordinary circumstances they are ordinary people with minor red flags flapping here and there through personality cracks. Recognising them is not impossible but difficult as they pretend at being things they aren’t and gel easily exhibiting affability, sympathy…



Ratna Srivastava
R Blogs

Author of Emit Eht (Science-Fiction/Metaphysical and Visionary Romance) Children’s Author, Thinker, Philosopher. Editor R Blogs, R Quotes.