The Games Life Plays With us

Ratna Srivastava
R Blogs
Published in
4 min readMay 12, 2022


Photo by Emad Kolahi on Unsplash

Life is so whimsical! Nothing and no one ever gets to escape its caparicious fanciful games except the unborn and the dead. But then, who knows if they are exempt? Maybe they aren’t!

Regardless of whether we believe or don’t believe in god, fate, luck or destiny, don’t we all tend to feel how ‘something’ else appears to be mysteriously controlling our lives, keenly observing us, playing with us, jesting with us, quite enjoying tormenting us, so to speak. Like a poor mouse in a crafty cat’s paws or rather like Tom and Jerry.

We want something else, we get something else. What we want, is not what we get. What we get, is not what we want. Some want but don’t get. Some get but don’t want. Some keep wanting. Some keep getting. Do you see?

Here are some remarkable whimsical scenarios in our life that makes us wonder if we’re lucky or otherwise to experience them:

Love and hate

Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash

Love and hate both are very strong emotions. So strong they literally drive our world, our life, our…



Ratna Srivastava
R Blogs

Author of Emit Eht (Science-Fiction/Metaphysical and Visionary Romance) Children’s Author, Thinker, Philosopher. Editor R Blogs, R Quotes.