What’s wrong with AI generated images of women and girls?

Ratna Srivastava
R Blogs
Published in
7 min readJan 10, 2024


Warning: Objectionable adult content and images

All these images are AI generated. Breath-taking! Right? Right. Most or all of AI generated images of girls and women are downright pretty, brilliant, adorable, and totally praise worthy.

They take your breath away!

Yet, there’s something so totally off about them, you gasp. Give these images a second look and whoosh! You enter into the dark subconscious world of male fantasy that has attention primarily only for certain female features — the rest of the world conveniently fades off in oblivion like it never existed.

Is anything wrong with having fantasies, dark or whatever? Certainly not. Everyone has a right to think what they please. But, it is sure interesting how their sub conscious bleeds into Artificial Intelligence. One need just type and the images that pop up seem to suggest that only a beautiful body (or parts thereof) is desirable and it doesn’t matter in the least which face…



Ratna Srivastava
R Blogs

Author of Emit Eht (Science-Fiction/Metaphysical and Visionary Romance) Children’s Author, Thinker, Philosopher. Editor R Blogs, R Quotes.