Should you Encourage your Employees to Ditch Meat?

R&G Strategic
Published in
2 min readAug 2, 2018

Take the Challenge with this Sustainability Trend for Big Businesses, and Make your Lunchroom Meatless

Corporate commitments to sustainability can often be superficial low-impact practicalities at best, and a pass of the proverbial buck at worst. Is the disclaimer at the bottom of an email to consider before you print really a commitment to improving the environment — or is it a display of eco-virtue signalling that’s nice, but ultimately inconsequential?

If you really mean it, how do you bring your organization’s sustainability mandate to the fore with clear, authentic action?

Take bold steps

WeWork made headlines this month for taking just such a step. The company demonstrated not just its social responsibility, but also its commitment to a better environment in a big way — by becoming “a meat-free organization.”

In an email to employees earlier this month, WeWork announced, “moving forward, we will not serve or pay for meat at WeWork events and want to clarify that this includes poultry and pork, as well as red meat.” WeWork’s Co-Founder and Chief Culture Officer, Miguel McKelvey, affirmed that the policy was one way the organization would be doing more to become environmentally conscious.

It’s a breathtaking and rare example of a truly impactful environmental stand taken by a major multinational company. WeWork is drawing a direct correlation between industrial farming and climate change. McKelvey pointed to research demonstrating that the environmental impact of choosing to avoid meat outweighs the choice to use a hybrid car, suggesting WeWork could save an estimated 16.7 billion gallons of water, 445.1 million pounds of carbon dioxide emissions and more than 15 million animals by 2023 by eliminating meat from the menu.

People are paying attention

Why such a bold move? Because corporate social responsibility (CSR) means something to employees. Environmental policies attract millennial workers who identify with progressive policies. Young professionals have high expectations, seeking out purpose-driven employers with a conscience. In tomorrow’s talent war, the best tool in your arsenal might just be a CSR framework that underscores your commitment to environmental progress.

Do people know the impact you’re making? Get in touch and let’s talk about how your CSR strategy can engage your stakeholders and benefit your business.



R&G Strategic

I write about my passions: sustainability, active mobility, film, culture and the arts, while striving for a better world. Co-Founder of