A story that makes you value Life and your Memories

~Life in a fishbowl~

Richard Lo
R Learning Journey
3 min readJul 19, 2020


*WARNING!!!*Spoiler’s Alert!!!!!!!*

When I first saw this book, I thought it would be boring, but as I first started reading the first page of this book, I got in love with it.

This book is about a tenth-grade girl named Jackie wanting to save his dad from a brain tumor. But his dad put himself on eBay and wanted to sell himself to the highest bidder, and there appeared to be four of them:

Hazel Huck

She wanted to bid Jackie’s Dad — Jared Stone’s life because when she was 7, her beloved dog died from a brain tumor too, so, she wanted to help Jared and try to save his life. Hazel met lots of friends while playing an online game, she told everyone what she wanted to do and got lots of money to bid Jared, but it wasn’t enough…

Ethan Overbee

He is a producer of a TV station. When he heard of Jared’s auction, he immediately wanted to win the auction… but in another way.

Sister Benedict Joan

She is a nun in a church. When she saw Jared’s listing, she thought of if she won the auction, and saved Jared’s life, then her church, but mostly herself would be famous. I think she just cares about her fame but doesn't know how to do anything, only wishing that God would help her finish everything.

Sherman Kingsborough

He is a rich young man and just wanted to try anything. He wanted to bid Jared and then just kill him. I think it is very stupid of him to even have that idea.

Well, Ethan’s way of getting Jared was apparently telling eBay about the listing, and eBay delisted Jared’s listing. Then Ethan talked Jared and his family into making a reality show of Jared dying. They will get paid 5 million dollars, but they have to get watched 24 hours a day.

Jackie gets more uncomfortable every day by the growing numbers of the cameras in her house as the reality show — Life and Death gone viral (there are even cameras in the bathroom)and everyone was looking at the show.

So, Jackie, Hazel, her friend from Russia — Max and Hazel’s online friends worked as a crew and made behind the scenes of Life and Death which shows the reality of Jackie’s family, not what was shown on TV, and encouraged everyone not to watch Life and Death so that they could get the evil cameras out of their house. The series of videos gone viral on Youtube.

Meanwhile, Jared’s brain tumor got worse and gotten him into a comma. Jared’s wife remembered that Jared told her not to keep him in misery so his wife killed him.

At the end of the story, Hazel’s mom and dad bought her a pug for doing such great things, Ethan was fired by his boss and he got the cameras out of the house(finally). Sherman was sent to jail while attempting to break into Jared’s house and kill him, which he accidentally killed his dog. (It happened in the middle of the story) And Jared’s wife was sent to jail for six weeks.

This book also has lots of parts while Jared’s brain tumor — Glio(that is what it called itself) was eating up Jared’s memories.

This is a very sad book, but it teaches me to value life and memories. Also, when things are bad, don’t think that everyone wants to hurt you. There are still lots of people out there that want to help you. Never give up on hope.

I think this is a really good story. I would give it a 10/10.

I recommend this book to everyone, hope you all enjoy!

