Let’s learn Microbit! (2-What do the blocks do?)

Learn the uses of the blocks here!

Richard Lo
R Learning Journey
3 min readAug 29, 2019


Today we will learn some of the most useful blocks in the microbit website.

  1. “Start” and “Forever”

When you use the blocks you will need to drag the blocks into the “Start” and “Forever”. If it isn’t in either one of them, it wouldn’t be concluded when you run the program.

The “Start” block will do the things you put in it once, and “forever” will do it forever.

2. Basics

The Basics blocks contain blocks that could show numbers, LEDs, icons, arrows pointing in certain directions, and also pause and clear the screen.

The “Start” and “Forever” are also in the Basics section.

There are some blocks in the “more” section of “Basics”. You can find it under the word Basics once you clicked it.

The arrow is pointing at the more section

3. Input

In this section, you can find blocks that require inputs from the outside world. For example, pressing buttons, shaking and tilting, temperature, compass heading, light level… and other more.

4. Music

In this section, obviously, it is about music. You can play some melody, or make your own. But you need to have a microbit car to play sounds.

5. Radio

You can broadcast and receive messages from other microbits in this section.

6. Loops

In the loops section, you got blocks that repeat things.

7. Logic

In logic, there are three sections. Conditionals, comparisons, and boolean

  • Conditionals: “if” “then” statements
  • Comparisons: greater than, equal to, less than
  • Boolean: and, or, true, false

8. Variables

You can make variables here.

9. Math

This section is just about math. For example, adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, remainder, square root, rounding, and also randomness.


This section contains some more sections of blocks. Such as Functions, Arrays, Texts, Games, Images, Pins, Serial, Control, and Extensions.

These are some of the most useful blocks used in microbit’s website

(Next, Let’s learn Microbit! (3-Show numbers, icons, and texts))

