Introducing: R Planet Together

Future Sight Echo
R Planet Together
Published in
2 min readNov 8, 2022

Web3 is going through some early growing pains. Because it is such a new sector, with the underpinning technology evolving rapidly and new projects emerging every day, it can be difficult to spot projects that are here for the long term rather than just trying to cash in on the hype. Even more importantly, where are the project that are aiming to make a tangible difference in the world? Not just creating communities around profit, but around positive social change?

Welcome to R Planet Together, a collection of articles that will be looking at the question: how can we harness web3 for good?

Over the coming months, we will be looking at the current climate of NFTs, metaverses and other web3 communities in order to highlight those projects that are innovating in positive ways. This initiative has been inspired by the recent launch of R Planet (from R Labs) and their aim to bring innovation to the web3 space. This gives the blog its name, and much of the content will revolve around the various initiatives, partnerships and community members that R Planet have brought together… but it is an unofficial connection and about so much more than just one project.

Web3 is about community, collaboration, access to new ideas and businesses, and the collective emergence of new socioeconomic contexts and mythologies that will help us harness the power of working together in order to create a positive future for all.

It is not just about flipping NFTs for small amounts of profit, or running from the next rugpull trying to rip you off. We cannot allow it to merely be about quick pump and dumps, or ambiguous roadmaps that promise great things that will definitely happen two years from now… trust us…

Web3 is not just about passively watching our investments and waiting for returns, but rather it is about becoming active participants in the creation of these communities and helping to form the businesses that are built on top of them. We must become active and we must be consciously using our time and resources to bolster those projects that are seeking to make a tangible impact in the world — not just their own insider wallets.

So that is the call being put out with R Planet Together. I hope that it resonates with what you feel that web3 can be and the potential it has to be truly revolutionary in how our modern digital society is both experienced and formed. There is no time like the present, so join us as we seek to make web3 a better place to be — and a place to change the world for the better. Together.

