#Web3forGood — Join Us.

Future Sight Echo
R Planet Together
3 min readFeb 22, 2023


It’s time for things to change. The degen (i.e. gambler) mindset has run for too long and we’ve seen the damage it causes. The rug-pulls and ponzis, the toxic behaviour and mental health problems of many different kinds.

Yet among all the chaos, there are incredibly talented and creative people trying to build a new tomorrow. Trying to figure out how we can use this compelling mix of technology, decentralisation and community for the best possible outcomes. Not just to make money, but to do good. To change the world for the better.

For those who might scoff at the idea, remember that it takes passion to bring about change — and web3 has a lot of passion. It takes co-ordination and loyalty — which, when working well, web3 has in spades. And it takes incentives for people to act — which web3 has built into its core.

But we need to channel those incentives into positive outcomes with real world impact. This doesn’t necessarily mean charitable activities, although we could certainly use more of those in web3, but also ones that support creativity, sustainability and human flourishing in a wide range of forms.

Tenets of #Web3forGood

What might using web3 for good look like? It would start with a few things:

  • Projects that are transparent and speak truthfully about their plans and any challenges faced;
  • People who act with empathy and compassion and understand there are real people behind the aliases;
  • Holders that purchase with an intent to support a project and its goals, not just sit passively waiting for (or demanding) gains;
  • Combined efforts that work across projects, bringing together multiple communities to make a real difference;
  • Respect for creators, developers, project teams and talent within the space — in the form of fair pay, good employment terms and respecting a work/life balance;
  • Respect for holders by not seeing them in solely transactional terms, but understanding that we have an emotional connection that should be nurtured and harnessed together for good;
  • Projects that aim to bring more to the world than a profit-mechanism; in which utility brings tangible benefit, beyond merely financial, to those who come into contact with the project and its goals.

These might all seem obvious, but if we think about each one in turn we can see they are all still lacking in the space. So the call for a #Web3forGood movement is really one that seeks to tangibly improve any of these areas, even if in small ways.

The great thing about using a hashtag is that it is present in the avenues we currently use; it enables anybody to contribute to the cause; and it isn’t owned by any one project. Add your own tenets and ideals, your own thoughts about how we can bring good to the world through the growing landscape of what is possible with web3.

This removes us from some of the immediate concerns about shilling and marketing, by focusing on the areas where we can work together. Projects that act with integrity can speak to people who want to support those doing good in the space, but by doing so they can equally expect a certain level of accountability rather than just being accepted at face-value.

#Web3forGood will make a difference when we all start contributing to the ideas behind it. If you are reading this as a holder; a developer; an activist or creative person of any kind and it resonates with what you want web3 to be — know that it is there for you to use and network with.

Together, we can bring about real change and use #Web3forGood.

