Logan Lane

Anticipating a strong demand from owners who will own electric vehicles (EV) in the near future, the Condo Board of this Vancouver building has been proactive in determining how to make their parking area “EV ready” by installing the necessary electrical infrastructure.

Stéphanie Savard
Recharge Véhicule Électrique
3 min readApr 8, 2021


Charging Solution

An Energy Capacity Study has determined that the appropriate charging solution according to the energy demand of the building is the Electric Vehicles Energy Management Systems (EVEMS).

Installation Approach

To ensure all units would eventually be able to access EV charging, the board chose to go with the Partial Global Approach.

Set Up

At a general assembly meeting held in November 2019, the owners voted to proceed with the review and installation of infrastructure for electric vehicles. The board then hired an electrical contractor to review the possible options and costs for installing energized outlets at individual parking spaces. In order to qualify for the rebate, these energized outlets had to be compatible with “Level 2” chargers only. The contractor provided the board with three different budget options (also shared with the owners). The Energy Capacity Study, completed in March 2020, identified the charging solution to be the connection of DCC-9 EVEMS’s directly to each unit’s electricity meter.

In early January 2020, the board sent the owners a letter informing them of the latest developments as well as the next steps to take towards the completion of the project. While mentioning the time sensitive aspect of this project, seeing as the rebate was ending at the end of March of the same year, the board asked the owners to choose between two options. Option A, the cheapest option, would establish a connection from each individual electricity meter, located in one of the building’s electrical rooms, to each owned parking space. Option B would establish a connection directly from a unit’s electrical panel (which had to be located in the basement, at the parking area level) to their respective parking stall. Due to the high cost of the extra work Option B entailed, the board specified that this option would be more expensive than the other except for those whose parking spaces are very far from the electrical room. Owners had until the end of January to reply with their choice, otherwise the board would assume that they were not interested in making their parking space EV Ready at that time. 25 owners answered positively to adding the necessary charging infrastructure.


The installation of 25 EV chargers and 25 DCC-9 was completed in February 2021.

Project Details

Work in the electrical room

  • Installation of 25 DCC-9

Work in the garage

  • Installation of the piping and cabling for 25 chargers

Work in the parking spaces

  • Installation of 25 chargers


This project took advantage of the EV charger rebate program offered at the time in British Columbia, which reimbursed up to 50% of the purchase and installation costs of EV chargers.

Location : Vancouver, British Columbia
Electrical Contractor : Relight Solutions

