The Saint-Maurice

When, in April 2019, tenants of this Vieux-Montréal building built around 1875 and converted into condos in 2001 started asking for EV chargers in their parking spaces, the property manager contacted Murbly for information on how to organize a charger installations’ project.

Stéphanie Savard
Recharge Véhicule Électrique
3 min readJul 18, 2021


Charging Solution

There are two levels of parking and a total of 24 parking spaces. The electrical room is located in basement one (SS1). Electricity meters are therefore accessible from the parking spaces, thus making it possible to choose the EVEMS as the charging solution.

Installation Approach

In order to prepare all parking spaces for the present or future charger installations, the board has opted for the Partial Global Approach. Therefore, pull boxes and cantrusts were installed and holes were drilled in the concrete.

Set Up

The project had been on pause since the start of the information search, in 2019. It finally resumed in February 2021. It is then that the board chose to have the global infrastructure installed, thus allowing future EVs to charge in every parking space. A regulation was put in place by the board to authorize the passage of cabling and infrastructure in the common areas of the building.

After assessing several charging solutions that could work with the ancestral building, the board chose the DCC. The main issue for this building was its construction, which was several years old and therefore made the work more difficult. Different openings were made to validate accessibility between the electrical room and the parking spaces. If the electrical room turned out to be inaccessible, a new power feeder would have had to be installed in the garage. Fortunately, this was not necessary; drilling the original 60-inch-thick blue stone wall with a diamond blade made it possible to connect the chargers to the DCCs. The delicate operation, threatening the structural integrity of the building if poorly done, went smoothly.

An installation group of four tenants had been organized in February and a fifth one later joined.


5 EV chargers and 5 DCC-9–40A were installed in April 2021. One of the tenants has three units and got a charger installed in each of his three parking spaces.

Project Details

Work in the Electrical Room

  • Installation of 5 EVEMS

Work in the Garage

  • Installation of the piping and cabling for 5 chargers

Work in the Parking Spaces

  • Installation of 5 FLO G5 chargers


This project took advantage of the Roulez Vert program established by the Quebec Government, through the section Borne de recharge en multilogement, offering up to 50% cost reimbursement.

Location: Montreal, Quebec
Electrical Contractor: Lilco Électrique Inc.

