The Sanctuaire- Phase 4

Witnessing the multiplication of EV charger installation projects in condominiums in the region and noting the feasibility of such projects, the condo board of this 153-unit building contacted Murbly in February 2019 to obtain information on how to set up their own project.

Stéphanie Savard
Recharge Véhicule Électrique
3 min readJun 8, 2021


Charging Solution

The electricity meters are accessible from the building’s parking spaces; therefore, the EVEMS was chosen as the charging solution.

Installation Approach

The board initially opted for the Individual Approach for the installations. However, given the high number of parking spaces and the configuration of the building and its three electrical rooms, the board decided to lean towards the Partial Global Approach to install a common infrastructure and thus avoid a jumble of wires in the garage.

Set Up

In July 2019, the board contacted Murbly for more information regarding the costs of the project. During the same period, a survey was conducted with the building’s tenants to assess their interest; 34 of the 153 tenants were considering installing a charger in the near future, i.e. in one or two years. Since the board had not yet decided whether they wanted to install the necessary wiring for all the parking spaces, Murbly recommended the implementation of an EV-Ready Plan and referred the board in August to a engineering firm in order to obtain plans and quotes to deploy global infrastructures (with EVEMSs).

Throughout the year 2020, several tenants contacted an electrical contractor to obtain a quote for the installation of a charger according to the Individual Approach. Seeing the large number of chargers installed so far and Phase 1 of the complex preparing their building for the arrival of EVs, the board decided to take steps to install the global infrastructure. After visiting the neighboring phase, the members of the board appointed the same contractor who had carried out the work over there for the work of their building. At the same time, an installation group was set up to allow those interested to benefit from the rebate in place; the group was finally made up of six tenants.


In March 2021, 6 FLO G5 chargers and 6 DCC-9–40A were installed in Phase 4 of the condo complex. Since the surfaces on which to install the DCCs were limited, two of the DCCs were installed on an exterior wall of the electrical room. Electrical infrastructure has also been installed in anticipation of the installation of future chargers.

Project Details

Work in the Electrical Room

  • Installation of 6 DCC

Work in the Garage

  • Installation of cable trays
  • Installation de 8 distribution boxes
  • Installation of the piping and cabling required for 6 chargers

Work in the Parking Spaces

  • Installation of 6 FLO G5 chargers


This project took advantage of the Roulez Vert program established by the Quebec Government, through the section Borne de recharge en multilogement, offering up to 50% cost reimbursement.

Location : Montréal, Québec
Electrical Contractor : Lilco Électrique

