R Weekly 2017–37 Social Science, Time, Compare

R Weekly
R Weekly
Published in
4 min readSep 15, 2017



R in the Real World

Finding the pattern of food

R in Academia

R Internationally

R in Organizations


New Packages

  • remedy — RStudio Addins to Simplify Markdown Writing
  • tibbletime — It’s tibbletime: Time-Aware Tibbles
  • writexl — zero dependency xlsx writer for R
  • googledrive — googledrive allows you to interact with files on Google Drive from R.
  • mschart — 📊 mschart: office charts from R

Package Releases


R Project Updates

Updates from R Core:

  • The X11 device no longer uses the Xlib backing store (PR#16497).

Upcoming Events

  • RStudio conf 2018 January 31 to February 3
    rstudio::conf is about all things R and RStudio! Register & More infos
  • R/Finance 2018 June 1 and 2
    Applied Finance with R. More info
  • useR! 2018 July 10, 2018
    The annual useR! conference is the main meeting of the international R user and developer community.

More past events at R conferences & meetups.

