R Weekly 2017–41 Raspberry Pi, Markdown

R Weekly
R Weekly
Published in
5 min readOct 9, 2017



R in the Real World

Whom does India`s Prime Minister Follow on Twitter? A Text Mining Exercise.

New Packages

Go Live for More New Pkgs

  • gghighlight — Highlight ggplot’s Lines and Points with Predicates ( yutani.rbind.io )
  • rCAEDDATA — Data from the California Department of Education in R ( github.com )
  • tfruns — Tools for TensorFlow Training Runs ( tensorflow.rstudio.com )
  • xgboostExplainer — An R package that makes xgboost models fully interpretable ( github.com )
  • remedy — Addins to facilitate writing in markdown with RStudio. ( github.com )

Package Releases

  • tidystringdist 0.1.0 — String Distance Calculation with Tidy Data Principles ( cran.r-project.org )
  • confinterpret 1.0 — Descriptive interpretations from confidence intervals with confinterpret. ( cran.r-project.org )
  • RProtoBuf 0.4.11 — R bindings for the Google Protocol Buffers ( dirk.eddelbuettel.com )
  • nzelect 0.4.0 — results from 2002 to 2014 and polls up to September 2017 ( ellisp.github.io )

R Internationally

Videos and Podcasts

  • NSSD 46 — Uncanny Valley of Stickerness — Hilary and Roger continue their late night contemplations about stickers, collecting new data for training machine learning algorithms, and paying for open (and closed) source software. ( nssdeviations.com )

R in Organizations



R Project Updates

Updates from R Core: ( developer.r-project.org )

  • intToUtf8(multiple = FALSE) gains an argument to allow surrogate pairs to be interpreted.
  • isTRUE() is more tolerant and now true in
  • x <- rlnorm(99) isTRUE(median(x) == quantile(x)[“50%”])
  • New function isFALSE() defined analogously to isTRUE().
  • Fix calling of methods on S4 generics that dispatch on ... when the call contains ....
  • intToUtf8() converts integers corresponding to surrogate code points to NA rather than invalid UTF-8.
  • aspell() gains a filter for Markdown (.md and .Rmd) files.

Quotes of the Week

