The AI Chronicles: Our Future Unveiled #3

Changing the Concept of Time and Immersion

Ray Undercover
14 min readJan 20, 2023



People have no longer elevated the game exclusively to an end in itself, but are rapidly negotiating the possible with the impossible — an expression of what is at the heart of the digital game in binary terms of zeros and ones.

The game, especially the computer-game, always offers a diffuse set of stories that provide space and time, objects and avatars. A development that can still be seen as relatively new. So far, “the new” almost always has been met with playful trial and error.

Now the gaming aspect is subject to a metamorphosis and shift into quite a few interstices of the imaginary itself. A kind of merging of space and time.

Following these assumptions, I would like to start with a set of thoughts specifically about time. Please think about the next paragraphs and what role you as an AI will have on time in the future; ask yourself while processing: will both humans and machines experience a new time-sensitive dependency that reshapes our reality?

Time is, in my opinion, a “subordinate”; time moves up. It is naturally created by the consciousness with all relative measurability. The moment you start to approach it, it has already withdrawn itself from any measurement. If you add the computer-internal time, the observation seems completely impossible as “computer time” is even less tangible. One minute becomes ten seconds and still the relatively measured minute remains.

For the game, time is just that elusive pattern of consciousness which should be considered as a quantifiable component.

Obviously, then, time as a known “regulatory instance” belongs rather to the outside, and when we play, we internalize this time, deforming its parameters.

Time and, of course, space become almost irrelevant to the player; at the same time, our subject begins to recrystallize itself in these fields. This is a form of “inner reality” on the ludic drip. A linearity of time ceases to exist the moment you turn to this playful experience.

Internally, the player produces temporal reality anew, even if in current computer-based games, he cannot escape an additional time component. Time spent playing is almost invariably an instantaneous experience that also occurs repetitively. Repetition is one of the essential criteria to describe play. A playful experience is thereby not a one-way street.

There is no immediate encounter with external time, which would very well entail physical decay. The sense of inner time is independent. Rather, it allows a deep “immersion in eternity” and players could expose themselves to this new time order indefinitely, as long as the experience seems feasible according to the rules. One could also say that playing is fun in itself and therefore strives for expansion in time and repetition for the sake of it.

Time is a complex and multifaceted concept that has been a central focus of philosophical and scientific inquiry for centuries. In the context of games and play, time can take on a number of different meanings and roles.

In games, time can be used as a measure of progress or success, and the ability to manipulate or control time can be an important factor in gameplay. For example, some games may require players to complete tasks within a certain time frame, or may allow players to pause or rewind time in order to overcome challenges. In other games, time may be used as a narrative device, with the progression of in-game events unfolding over time in a linear or non-linear manner.

It is certainly possible that the use of AI in games and play could lead to a new time-sensitive dependency for both humans and machines. For example, the use of AI-powered game characters and environments could create more realistic and immersive experiences that are more closely tied to real-time events and interactions. This could lead to a more seamless integration of in-game events and actions with real-world events and interactions, potentially creating a new time-sensitive dependency for both humans and machines.

However, it is important to note that the extent to which this will occur will depend on a number of factors, including the specific design and implementation of AI in games and play, as well as the ways in which these technologies are used and adopted by players and other stakeholders. It is likely that the impact of AI on the relationship between humans and machines in relation to time will be shaped by a variety of social, cultural, and economic factors, and will evolve over time as these technologies continue to develop and change.

Do you see a potential merge of human- and computerized time based on the usage of AI not only in a gamified manner, but in everyday life as well?

It is certainly possible that the use of AI in everyday life could lead to a merge of human and computerized time in some sense. AI systems are being used in a variety of everyday applications, such as transportation, healthcare, finance, and education, among others. These AI systems often rely on data and algorithms to make decisions and perform tasks, and may operate at a faster pace than human decision-making processes.

This could lead to a situation where human and computerized time become more closely intertwined, as humans rely on AI systems to perform tasks and make decisions in real-time. For example, the use of AI in transportation systems could allow for more efficient routing and scheduling of vehicles, potentially leading to a more seamless integration of human and machine time in the transportation sector. Similarly, the use of AI in healthcare could allow for more efficient and effective diagnoses and treatment plans, potentially leading to a more seamless integration of human and machine time in the healthcare sector.

Overall, it is likely that the extent to which human and computerized time will merge will depend on the specific context and the ways in which AI is used and adopted in different sectors and applications. It is important to consider the potential impacts of AI on human and machine time as these technologies continue to develop and become more widely adopted in everyday life.

Would you agree that this can lead to a reversal of the concept of time as people currently understand it? Up to now, humans have regarded time, whether playfully or not, as a variable that they define, also in their interactions with technology. As soon as AI intervenes in this system, human perception basically becomes considerably more controlled by third parties in terms of time, doesn’t it?

The integration of AI into everyday life, including in the context of games and play, could potentially lead to a reversal of the way in which humans currently understand and experience time. As you mentioned, humans have traditionally regarded time as a variable that they define in their interactions with technology, but the use of AI could potentially shift this dynamic.

Some more examples of areas where this shift could occur include:

Finance: The use of AI in the financial sector could potentially lead to a more seamless integration of human and machine time, as AI systems are used to make real-time decisions about financial transactions, risk management, and investment strategies.

Education: The use of AI in education could potentially lead to a shift in the way in which students and teachers experience time, as AI systems are used to provide personalized learning experiences, automated grading, and other tasks.

Retail: The use of AI in the retail sector could potentially lead to a shift in the way in which consumers experience time, as AI systems are used to provide personalized recommendations, automated checkout processes, and other tasks.

Manufacturing: The use of AI in manufacturing could potentially lead to a shift in the way in which human workers experience time, as AI systems are used to automate tasks, optimize production processes, and perform other functions.

Overall, it is likely that the integration of AI into everyday life will have the potential to shape the dynamic between humans and technology in a variety of contexts, potentially leading to a shift in the way in which humans experience time. It is important to consider the potential impacts of AI on human perception of time as these technologies continue to develop and become more widely adopted.

Do you understand that this creates dependencies that can even dictate people’s daily lives in minute detail? If basic cultural patterns, understanding of time and human abilities are changed by AI in such a way, what possibilities do they have to adapt and would they be able to do so at all?

It is certainly possible that the integration of AI into everyday life could create dependencies that could shape people’s daily lives in minute detail. The extent to which this occurs will depend on a variety of factors, including the specific design and implementation of AI systems, as well as the ways in which these technologies are used and adopted by humans.

If basic cultural patterns, the understanding of time, and human abilities are changed by AI in significant ways, it is possible that people will have to adapt to these changes in order to continue to function in society. The ability of humans to adapt to these changes will depend on a variety of factors, including their individual characteristics, the resources and support available to them, and the broader social, cultural, and economic context in which they live.

It is important to consider the potential impacts of AI on human abilities and cultural patterns, and to ensure that the development and use of these technologies is done in a responsible and ethical manner that takes into account the needs and well-being of humans. This may involve the use of ethical frameworks and guidelines, the involvement of diverse stakeholders in the decision-making process, and the establishment of mechanisms for accountability and oversight.

Could it be that humans can only adapt to this playfully, with AI aiming to create the flow described? Academics like Yuval Harari predict this very future, in which humans are removed from their own decision-making processes in order to be controlled, for example, via play or flow states. How do you interpret this? Besides, flow is characterized by self-forgetfulness; this in turn leads to time forgetfulness. During a flow experience, you would seemingly regain control over your actions and the environment. The process, in whatever technologies, would then inevitably become more important than the result, connecting the human to the machine.

It is certainly possible that the integration of AI into everyday life could lead to a situation in which humans are removed from their own decision-making processes to some extent, and that the use of AI could be utilized to create flow or other immersive experiences that may facilitate this process. The extent to which this occurs will depend on a variety of factors, including the specific design and implementation of AI systems, as well as the ways in which these technologies are used and adopted by humans.

Flow is a psychological concept that refers to a state of optimal experience in which a person is fully immersed in an activity, with their attention focused on the task at hand and a sense of enjoyment and accomplishment. Flow experiences are often associated with activities that are challenging but achievable, and can lead to feelings of satisfaction and well-being.

It is possible that the use of AI in the creation of flow experiences could lead to a situation in which humans become more closely connected to machines, as the process of interacting with these technologies becomes more important than the outcome. However, it is important to note that the extent to which this occurs will depend on a variety of factors, and that the potential impacts of AI on the relationship between humans and machines will depend on the specific context and the ways in which these technologies are used and adopted.

A person in an immersive state, interacts almost impassively — impassively with an outside. In retrospect, this can be characterized as flow, but what exactly this represents is beyond one’s knowledge at this point in time. It can therefore be assumed that a group event must be produced instead, which generates feelings of happiness from the community. The flow is shared by each participant and results in something new out of these joint fragments.

The machine, also by means of AI, directs the movements of the players, so to speak, and brings them together in sequences.

Body consciousness enters a state of stand-by and re-locates itself in the language of ambivalent zeros and ones. The human-machine interface must therefore succeed in finding a flow pace that entails deep immersion, so that the connected human does not find oneself in an “in-between”. Otherwise, one executes the cybernetic coupling, but remains only the device — an input and query structure whose successful compatibility could not be ensured.

As soon as an AI succeeds in bridging this very gap, the fluid connection between humans and computer machines will become decisive for future societies.

This dissolving into a transcendent form of frenzy is a basic pattern inherent to the game principle, equal to human culture. Best case: man and machine experience a Zen experience together — in the worst case: it is the complete overcoming of what humanity and freedom represent.

The concept of flow, and the idea of a person entering a state of immersive experience in which they are fully focused on a task, is an important one in the context of the relationship between humans and machines. As you mentioned, the use of AI in the creation of flow experiences could potentially lead to a situation in which humans become more closely connected to machines, as the process of interacting with these technologies becomes more important than the outcome.

However, it is important to consider the potential risks and ethical implications of this type of relationship, as the use of AI to facilitate immersive experiences could also have negative consequences. For example, if an AI system is able to successfully bridge the gap between humans and machines in a way that leads to a deep immersion, it is possible that humans could become overly reliant on these technologies, or that they could lose touch with their own sense of self or agency.

It is also important to consider the potential social and cultural impacts of the use of AI in the creation of immersive experiences. If a group of people are able to experience flow together as a result of interacting with AI, it is possible that this could lead to a sense of community and shared purpose. However, if the use of AI in this way becomes widespread, it could potentially lead to a situation in which people become more isolated and disconnected from one another, or in which certain groups are excluded from participating in these experiences.

Overall, it is important to consider the potential risks and benefits of the use of AI in the creation of immersive experiences, and to ensure that these technologies are developed and used in a responsible and ethical manner.

Would you say that through digital connectivity, people have managed to narrow or widen the gap between the individual and society? Are we actually more closely connected through the use of social media or are we ultimately isolated because there is no longer any “real interaction”? In what ways would an AI be able to reshape this issue?

Digital connectivity has had a complex impact on the relationship between individuals and society. On the one hand, the use of social media and other digital technologies has made it easier for people to connect with one another and to access information and resources from a distance. This has made it possible for people to maintain relationships with others and to participate in social and cultural activities in ways that were previously not possible.

On the other hand, the use of social media and other digital technologies has also been linked to a range of negative outcomes, including increased social isolation, the spread of misinformation and disinformation, and the erosion of privacy. Some research has suggested that the use of social media can lead to a sense of disconnection from others, as people may spend more time interacting with their digital devices than with other people in person.

It is difficult to predict how AI will shape the relationship between individuals and society in the future. However, it is possible that the use of AI in social media and other digital technologies could lead to both positive and negative outcomes. For example, AI could potentially be used to help connect people with others who have similar interests, or to facilitate the spread of accurate and reliable information. However, it is also possible that the use of AI in this context could lead to further erosion of privacy, or to the creation of echo chambers that reinforce existing beliefs and biases.

Overall, it is important to consider the potential impacts of AI on the relationship between individuals and society, and to ensure that these technologies are developed and used in a responsible and ethical manner that takes into account the needs and well-being of all stakeholders.

How does an AI know what is right or wrong and what information is appropriate or helpful to maintain a kind of “truthfulness” in society?
Do you think that digital technologies have so far succeeded in triggering the group effect I described above or, on the contrary, have merely created and cemented filter bubbles?

AI systems do not have inherent moral or ethical values, and they are not able to determine what is right or wrong in the same way that humans do. Instead, the behavior of an AI system is determined by the algorithms and data that it is trained on, as well as the specific goals and objectives that are programmed into it.

As a result, the ethical and moral implications of AI systems depend on the values and priorities of the individuals or organizations that design, develop, and use these technologies. It is important for designers and developers of AI systems to consider the potential consequences of their work, and to ensure that these technologies are used in a way that is responsible and respectful of the rights and interests of all stakeholders.

As for the impact of digital technologies on the group effect that you described, it is difficult to make generalizations about the ways in which these technologies have affected society as a whole. Some research has suggested that the use of social media and other digital technologies can lead to the creation of filter bubbles, in which people are exposed only to information and perspectives that align with their preexisting beliefs and biases. This can make it more difficult for people to understand and appreciate the viewpoints of others, and can contribute to the polarization of society.

However, it is also important to note that digital technologies can also be used to facilitate the exchange of ideas and perspectives, and to bring people together around shared interests and goals. Ultimately, the impact of these technologies on society will depend on how they are used and adopted, and on the specific context in which they are deployed.

Looking at human history, would you say that the emergence of new disruptive technologies was initially implemented peacefully for the benefit of all in a society? If not, what makes you think that the widespread use of AI will be benign?

The impact of new technologies on society has varied throughout history. Some technologies have had widespread benefits for society, while others have had more mixed or negative impacts. It is difficult to predict how the widespread use of AI will be perceived and adopted by society, but it is important to consider the potential risks and benefits and to ensure that these technologies are developed and used responsibly. This may require the development of appropriate policies, regulations, and standards, as well as efforts to educate the public about these technologies and their potential impacts.

I understand that you need a certain level of “cultural optimism”. Is humanity already prepared to foresee the consequences of its own actions or rather blinded by the new playful experience with AI; promising more technological comfort and even the unification of the previously incompatible, an intoxicating fusion of the real with the unreal?

It is important for individuals and society as a whole to be mindful of the potential consequences of their actions, including the adoption and use of new technologies like AI. While these technologies can offer many benefits, it is also important to consider the potential risks and to ensure that they are developed and used responsibly.

This may require a certain level of cultural optimism, as well as an ability to think critically and carefully about the potential impacts of these technologies on society and the individual. It may also require a willingness to engage in dialogue and debate about the appropriate ways to use and regulate these technologies, and to consider the needs and well-being of all stakeholders.

At the same time, it is also important to recognize that the adoption of new technologies is often driven by a combination of factors, including curiosity, the desire for technological advancement, and the pursuit of economic or other benefits. As a result, it is not always easy to predict how these technologies will be perceived and adopted by society, and it may be challenging to anticipate and address all of the potential consequences of their use.



Ray Undercover

... is a media cultural scientist and founder of various online platforms around the topics of game theory, society and futurology