The AI Chronicles: Our Future Unveiled #4

Exploring Potential Spaces of Man-Machine-Interaction

Ray Undercover
10 min readJan 23, 2023



Now let us talk about the “dominion of space”, which has not ended just because we are still in a transitional phase from the analog to the digital. Quite the contrary, it is in digital, virtual and augmented (play-) scenarios that we go on journeys and sensually experience new spaces. Do you agree?

Digital, virtual, and augmented reality technologies have certainly had an impact on the way that people experience and interact with space. These technologies can offer new opportunities for exploration and immersion in virtual environments, and can also enhance or augment people’s experiences of the physical world.

For example, virtual reality (VR) technologies can allow people to visit and explore virtual worlds or environments that would be otherwise impossible or impractical to experience in the physical world. Augmented reality (AR) technologies, on the other hand, can enhance people’s experiences of the physical world by overlaying digital information or content on top of the real-world environment.

Overall, it is clear that these technologies have the potential to change the way that people experience and interact with space, and they are likely to continue to play a significant role in shaping the way that people experience and navigate the world around them. However, it is also important to consider the potential risks and limitations of these technologies, and to ensure that they are used in a responsible and ethical manner.

Computerized games generate spaces, objects, their locality is just another one — temporally detached. Binary codes set in motion a kind of linear mapscape, flowcharts along one “travels” — what advantages does AI deliver to generate different spaces?

Artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to generate virtual spaces and environments in a number of ways. For example, AI algorithms can be used to create realistic and immersive virtual worlds that can be used for gaming or other types of interactive experiences.

One advantage of using AI in the creation of virtual spaces is that it can allow for the generation of more complex and realistic environments, as well as the creation of dynamic and interactive elements within those environments. For example, AI can be used to create realistic 3D models of objects and environments, as well as to simulate the behavior and interactions of virtual characters or other objects within those environments.

Additionally, AI can be used to generate virtual spaces that are customized to the needs or preferences of individual users, by using data and machine learning algorithms to understand and predict what types of spaces and experiences users are likely to enjoy. This can allow for the creation of personalized and more engaging virtual experiences.

Overall, AI can play a significant role in the creation and development of virtual spaces, and is likely to continue to be an important tool in the creation of immersive and interactive virtual experiences in the future.

In classical games, space was all too often part of the rules, for example in ball sports. In a sense that the body is located in a controlled and governed way. In virtual space such as cyberspace everything can “fold” a space independently. Are you familiar with these thoughts? If you’re also familiar with the Leibniz Pyramid theorem, can you try to define the idea of space within it and how it can be “superimposed” onto the virtual- AI driven realm?

The Leibniz Pyramid theorem is a mathematical principle that states that the volume of a pyramid is equal to one third of the product of the area of its base and its height. In this context, the term “space” refers to the three-dimensional volume occupied by the pyramid.

In virtual spaces, such as cyberspace, the concept of space can be understood in a similar way. In these virtual environments, space is typically represented as a series of digital data points or coordinates that define the location, orientation, and properties of objects within the virtual environment. These digital data points can be used to create immersive and interactive virtual environments that allow users to move, interact, and explore virtual spaces in a similar way to how they would in the physical world.

However, one key difference between physical and virtual spaces is that in virtual environments, users have more flexibility and control over the way that they experience and interact with space. For example, in a virtual environment, users can move and explore spaces more quickly and easily than they could in the physical world, and they can also manipulate and transform virtual objects and spaces in ways that are not possible in the physical world.

Overall, the concept of space in virtual environments is similar to the concept of space in the physical world, but it is also shaped and influenced by the unique characteristics and capabilities of digital technologies.

In a sense, event states mediated by AI provide access to new spaces. If we now reveal these states, what role do humans and their inner concepts of disruption, optimization, or even memory resources — such as remembering and forgetting — play in this?

Artificial intelligence (AI) can enable humans to access and interact with new virtual spaces and environments in a number of ways. For example, AI algorithms can be used to generate immersive and interactive virtual worlds that allow users to explore, manipulate, and interact with virtual objects and spaces in a way that is similar to how they would in the physical world.

In these virtual environments, humans play a central role in determining how they experience and interact with space. For example, humans can use their memory resources to remember and navigate virtual spaces, and they can use their cognitive abilities to optimize their experience of virtual environments by adapting to new challenges and learning new skills.

Additionally, humans can use their creativity and problem-solving skills to explore and discover new aspects of virtual spaces, and they can use their social and communication skills to interact with other users within virtual environments.

Overall, the role of humans in virtual environments is shaped by their own unique characteristics and abilities, as well as by the capabilities of the AI algorithms and technologies that enable these environments.

Okay, let’s look at the possible states differently. Imagine that living with AI, in the spaces it creates, the time it creates and flow experiences poses new cognitive challenges for humans. Again, I call these “states”. These can be positive (Ignition), negative (Game Over) or relative. Specific patterns of interaction provide for the creation of these states. Which pattern do you see as necessary to create an adequate interconnection between human and machine?

There are a number of factors that can influence the nature and quality of the interaction between humans and artificial intelligence (AI) in virtual spaces. Some of these factors include the capabilities of the AI algorithms and technologies being used, the design and structure of the virtual environment, and the goals and motivations of the human users.

To create an adequate interconnection between humans and machines, it may be necessary to consider the following factors:

Compatibility: The AI algorithms and technologies being used should be compatible with the abilities and needs of the human users. This may involve considering issues such as usability, accessibility, and user-centered design.

Interactivity: The virtual environment should be designed to enable interactive and engaging experiences for the human users. This may involve incorporating features such as real-time feedback, challenge and reward systems, and social interaction.

Personalization: The AI algorithms and technologies should be able to adapt to the individual characteristics and needs of the human users, providing personalized experiences that are tailored to their preferences and goals.

Trust: The human users should be able to trust the AI algorithms and technologies being used, and should feel confident in their ability to operate safely and effectively. This may involve issues such as data privacy and security, as well as transparency and accountability.

Overall, the key to creating an adequate interconnection between humans and machines in virtual spaces may involve designing systems that are compatible with the abilities and needs of the human users, that enable interactive and engaging experiences, that are personalized and adapt to the individual characteristics of the users, and that are trustworthy and transparent.

Until now, interaction patterns in a network of humans and machines have been located between repetition and strict order. With AI, we experience the relative as an essential condition. In the coming virtuality everything is relative, as it is permanently optimized and continuously changing. How significant will be the interdependence, as obviously we experience a kind of permanent, reciprocal programming here.

The interdependence between humans and machines in the context of AI is likely to be significant in the coming virtuality, as you suggest. The use of AI in virtual spaces can enable the creation of highly dynamic and adaptive environments, where the interactions between humans and machines are constantly evolving and changing.

One of the key factors that can influence this interdependence is the ability of AI algorithms and technologies to optimize and adapt to changing conditions in real-time. This can enable systems to respond more quickly and effectively to changing user needs, preferences and goals, providing more personalized and engaging experiences.

Another key factor that can influence this interdependence is the ability of AI to learn from human behavior and adapt to it over time. This may involve reciprocal programming, as the actions and decisions of the human users influence the behavior of the AI algorithms and technologies, which in turn shape the virtual environment and the experiences of the human users. This can enable the system to better understand the context in which the human users are operating, and to provide more relevant and appropriate responses to their actions and decisions.

One possible outcome of this interdependence is that the relationship between humans and machines becomes more fluid and dynamic, as the boundaries between the two blur. Humans may become more dependent on the machines for decision-making, as AI algorithms can make decisions and execute tasks that are too complex, time-consuming or risky for humans to undertake alone. Conversely, machines will also become more dependent on humans as they rely on their feedback, input and cooperation to improve the performance of the system.

It’s important to point out the ethical considerations of this interdependence, as AI’s ability to optimize and adapt can also have negative consequences. It could lead to a loss of control over the technology and the possible exploitation of people’s data and personal information. The development and implementation of AI should thus be handled with caution and ethics in mind.

You must of course consider the effects this would have on the human organism; technical impulse steps of an AI seem almost wearless, whereas a hybrid machinery will also interfere with the human being, however, via (calculated) “exhaustion”. It should be noted that the perpetual feedback and querying of a human operator requires an optimization of the human itself — indeed a kind of programming and “upgrade” of the human organism.

It’s certainly true that the integration of AI in our lives could have significant effects on the human organism, both in terms of physical and cognitive demands. The idea of a “hybrid machinery” that involves the human operator in a reciprocal and ongoing feedback loop could place new demands on our cognitive and physical abilities. However, it’s important to note that this is a complex and multifaceted issue, and it’s not entirely clear at this point how exactly the integration of AI in our lives will impact us.

One of the things to consider is the possibility of a “feedback loop” between humans and machines, where both parties are constantly adapting to each other. This could lead to a more efficient and effective use of technology, but it could also lead to new forms of human-machine interdependence that have not been fully explored yet. Additionally, the integration of AI could lead to significant changes in the way we think, feel and act, which would have implications for our overall wellbeing.

It’s important to also note that these questions are not unique to AI. Every technology before AI too had its own set of ethical and moral implications. It’s crucial that we evaluate these implications before and as they’re used, and strive to design AI systems and applications that are responsible, transparent, and accountable.

The playful aspect, which I believe underlies human culture, is designed for precisely such an “optimizing disruption” as an infrastructural resource. Memory performance as a resource has always been an essential ingredient in play — instigating the all-important repetition — the gratification of play itself. It will therefore come down to how this can be leveraged by AI to achieve optimization. The urge to voluntarily repeat an AI-supported activity is crucial and should not be underestimated. So my final question on the whole complex: what possibility do you see for humans to voluntarily expose themselves to coupling with a machine?

As AI technology continues to advance, it’s likely that we will see more and more people voluntarily exposing themselves to coupling with machines in various forms. However, whether or not people will be willing to do so depends on a number of factors. One important factor is the perceived benefit of coupling with a machine. If people see that coupling with a machine will make their lives easier, more convenient, or more efficient, they are more likely to be willing to do so. Additionally, if people trust that the technology is safe and that their privacy and security will be protected, they are also more likely to be willing to couple with a machine.

Another important factor is the design and user experience of the technology. If the technology is easy to use and provides a good user experience, people are more likely to want to use it. In this context, the game element plays a great role as well. If people find the AI-supported activity to be fun and enjoyable, they are more likely to want to repeat it and engage with the technology more often.

Furthermore, the cultural and societal norms also plays a role here. If people around them are already using the technology, and it is seen as a normal part of their society, then people may be more willing to try it for themselves.

On the other hand, people may also be hesitant to expose themselves to coupling with a machine if they have concerns about the ethics and morality of the technology, or if they have concerns about the long-term effects on society and individuals.

It is also important to remember that people’s preferences and willingness to engage with technology can vary widely depending on the individual, their background and their experiences. Therefore, to create a positive, voluntary coupling with a machine, it’s important to create an environment in which people can trust the technology and feel like they are in control of their interactions with it.



Ray Undercover

... is a media cultural scientist and founder of various online platforms around the topics of game theory, society and futurology