Breaking Free From Fossil Fuels: Costa Rica Has Been Powered By Renewables For Over 250 Days

2 min readJan 21, 2017

Costa Rica has long been a tropical hideaway, a lush paradise of incredible wildlife. It’s also one of only a few countries on this planet with absolutely no military forces. But Costa Rica is even more than that, it’s also a green energy pioneer.

We hear it over and over again, drumming into us, how incredibly hard it is to go all in on renewables. Meanwhile in Costa Rica people are proving that fossil fuels are no longer necessary to enlighten us.

Instead this small Central American nation has now generated 100 percent of its electricity from renewable sources for the past 250 days, and everything’s still working. The next goal is to power the country for a whole year.

Costa Rica came pretty close to that, as they set a new record with its renewable energy production for 2015. According to the Costa Rican Electricity Institute 99 percent of the country’s electricity, including 285 days in a row, has been powered by renewable sources only.

The tropical nation wants to literally break free from the chains of fossil fuels by 2020. That goal could be accomplished even sooner due to massive investments in geothermal energy projects, hydropower and a forecast for more heavy rains in the coming years helping Costa Rica…

