Robotics Engineer Career: 101

Miguel Norberto
Published in
9 min readMay 14, 2022
Photo by anontae

What does a robotics engineer do? They design, build and maintain robots. As technology advances, so must the robots, so a robotics engineer must stay updated on new advancements. So what’s the best way to become a robotics engineer?

There isn’t one specific path; it depends on your level of education and experience. But there are some things you can do to increase your chances of becoming a robotics engineer.

This article will discuss the different stages of a robotics engineer’s career, what qualifications are necessary for each step, and what types of jobs are available to a successful robotics engineer.

Robotics: A Brief History

Robots have been around for centuries, though the term “robot” wasn’t coined until the 1920s. Then, humans created the first robots to automate tasks, such as manufacturing or farming.

In the early days of robotics, there was no distinction between robots and machines; both were simply automatons that humans could control. However, in the late 1950s and early 1960s, robotics began to take on a life of its own.

Researchers started to explore the potential of robots to act autonomously without human intervention. This led to the development of artificial intelligence (AI), which is now an essential component of modern robotics.

Today, Robotics is a thriving field with a wide range of applications. For example, robots are used in manufacturing and agriculture to automate tasks, and they are also being used in healthcare and other areas to assist humans.

What is a Robotics Engineer?

Robotics engineers design and build robots. They work with various materials to create the perfect robot for the task at hand.

Robotics engineers need to have a strong understanding of both electronics and mechanics. In addition, they must be able to think creatively and solve problems.

Robotics engineers typically have a degree in engineering, and they often specialize in a particular type of robot. For example, some robotics engineers focus on industrial robots, while others specialize in service robots or medical robots.

The most important thing is to have a good foundation in mathematics and science. Robotics engineers need to be able to understand complex concepts and solve problems.

You should also have experience with programming and automation. These skills will help you design and build efficient and effective robots.

Many schools offer programs in robotics engineering, but it’s also vital to get hands-on experience.

Duties of a Robotics Engineer

Robotics engineers are responsible for the design, construction, and operation of robots. Therefore, they must be able to think creatively and solve problems to build machines that can complete complex tasks.

Robotics engineers must also be able to work with computers to create programs that control the robots’ movements.

In addition, they must be able to read and interpret blueprints, schematics, and other technical documents.

They must also be able to write reports and give presentations on their work.

Once the design is finalized, robotics engineers oversee the production process to ensure that each robot meets the required specifications.

They also test robots to ensure they are functioning correctly before being shipped to their destinations.

In addition, robotics engineers may be responsible for maintaining and repairing robots already in use.

Career Path

There are many different career paths for a robotics engineer. One option could be to work for a manufacturing company, designing and building robots for mass production.

Another option could be to work for a research lab, developing new and innovative ways to use robots in industry or everyday life.

A robotics engineer might also choose to become a professor, teaching the next generation of engineers about the principles of robotics and how to apply them in various scenarios.

Whatever route a robotics engineer chooses, they will be responsible for designing and creating machines that can interact with their surroundings autonomously or under human control.

Salary and Outlook

Robotics engineers design and build robots. They are responsible for these machines’ mechanical, electrical, and software aspects. Robotics engineers typically have a four-year degree in engineering or computer science.

The job outlook for robotics engineers is good. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that employment for this occupation will grow by 9 percent from 2016 to 2026.

This growth is due to the increasing demand for automation in manufacturing and other industries.

Robotics engineers earn a median salary of $88,000 per year. The highest-paid 10 percent earn more than $138,000, while the lowest-paid 10 percent earn less than $54,000.

Robotics Engineer Education Requirements

People interested in becoming robotics engineers need to have a degree in engineering.

There are many different types of engineering degrees, so it is important to choose one that will allow you to study the principles of robotics. Some universities offer specific degrees in robotics engineering, while others have more general engineering programs that include robotics courses.

You will need strong math and science skills no matter which degree you choose. For example, robotics engineers use math and physics to design and build robots, so these subjects are essential for this career.

In addition, you should be creative and able to think outside the box since designing new robots requires original thinking and innovation.

Robotics engineers design and build robots. They need to be able to work with computers and electronics, so a degree in engineering is necessary. However, if you are self-taught in these areas, you may be able to land a job as a robotics engineer.

Many online resources can help teach you the skills necessary for this career.

If you want to work with robots professionally, it is also essential to have some hands-on experience building them. Most colleges offer robotics clubs or laboratories where students can learn how to construct robots from scratch.


Robotics engineers are responsible for the design, development, and deployment of robots. Therefore, they must have a comprehensive understanding of robotics technology and be able to apply it in practical applications.

Robotics engineers must also be able to work with other engineering professionals to create cohesive systems. The following are some key skills that are necessary to be a successful robotics engineer:

1) Critical thinking skills — Robotics engineers must be able to think critically about problems and come up with creative solutions.

2) Strong math skills — Mathematics is essential for designing and programming robots.

3) Engineering experience — Robotics engineers need to have a strong foundation in engineering principles to create effective robots.

4) Technical expertise — Robotics engineers must be knowledgeable in various technical fields, such as mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and computer science.

Robotics engineers are responsible for the robot’s movement, its ability to interact with its environment, and the tasks it can perform.

In addition to strong engineering skills, you also need specific robotics skills. These include knowledge of sensors, actuators, and programming languages used in robotics.

You also need to understand how robots work to optimize their performance.

A Good Understanding of AI

A robotics engineer must have a good understanding of artificial intelligence (AI). AI is the ability of a computer to learn and make decisions independently. It is used in robots to help them understand their environment and decide what to do.

Robotics engineers use a variety of software programs to design their robots. One popular program is SolidWorks.

SolidWorks allows you to create 3D models of your robot and test how it will work. Another popular program is ROS (Robot Operating System). ROS helps you control your robot and allows it to communicate with other robots.

Getting Started with Robotics

If you’re interested in a career in robotics engineering, the best place to start is with an education in the field.

A Robotics engineer education can provide you with the necessary skills and knowledge to design and build robots.

In addition, there are various tools and software that you’ll need to learn, and many schools offer courses in these subjects.

Another important part of robotics engineering is understanding how to control robots. This usually involves working with programming languages like C++ or Python. If you’re not familiar with these languages, you’ll need to learn them before you can start working on robot projects.

There are many different ways to get started in robotics engineering. For example, you can attend a traditional university, or you may want to consider online options.

There are also boot camps and other short-term programs that can teach you the basics of robotics engineering.

Robotics platforms like Arduino and Raspberry Pi can control motors, sensors, and other components.

These platforms are open-source and relatively easy to use, making them suitable for beginners. There are also many libraries of code available online that you can use to get started quickly.

Once you have the proper tools, it’s time to learn how to use them. Again, there are many resources available online and in libraries. You can also find classes and workshops to teach you how to program and operate robots.

Finally, it’s time to put your new skills to use.

Robotics Engineering Internships

There are many robotics engineering internship opportunities available. They can allow you to learn about different aspects of the field and gain experience working with robots.

You may also have the chance to network with professionals in the industry and learn about upcoming technologies.

If you’re interested in a career in robotics engineering, here are some companies where you can look for internships to help you get started.

The Boeing Company offers an internship program for students pursuing degrees in engineering, computer science, and mathematics.

Participants have the opportunity to work on projects that include designing and building robots used for manufacturing and assembly tasks.

Google offers a summer internship program for students studying computer science or related fields. Participants work on projects that include developing algorithms for robotic motion planning and machine learning.

Google’s Robotics Program offers internships in their Boston and Pittsburgh offices.

Ford Motor Company offers internships to students pursuing degrees in engineering, information technology, and business administration. Participants work on projects that include designing and building robotic systems for manufacturing plants.

The University of California at Berkeley has a number of robotics labs that offer internships to students.

Robotics engineer internships are a great way to get experience in the field. Interns usually work on projects under the guidance of a more experienced engineer.

This is a great way to learn new things and develop your skills

R3plica Community

The R3plica community is a tight-knit group of developers and enthusiasts who share a common interest in robotics and Artificial Intelligence technology.

The community is a great place to learn more about robotics technology and to meet like-minded people. It offers a variety of resources, including online forums, chat rooms, and websites. These resources allow you to ask questions, share ideas, and collaborate with others in the community.

We are a group of people passionate about robotics and AI, and we want to help others learn about these fascinating topics. We hold regular meetings where we discuss different aspects of robotics and AI, and we also have a lot of resources on our website that can help you learn more about these subjects.

We would love to have you join us if interested, so please visit our website and Join our Community @ R3PL1CA.

Final Thought

Robots are becoming increasingly commonplace in society. They can be found in manufacturing and industrial settings, performing dangerous, dirty, or repetitive tasks for human workers.

As a result, there is a growing demand for robotics engineers who can design, build, and maintain these machines. So, is a career in robotics engineering right for you?

If you enjoy problem-solving and have a knack for technology, then a career in robotics engineering may be a good fit for you.

Robotics engineers must be able to think on their feet and come up with creative solutions to technical challenges. They must also work well as part of a team, as most robotics projects involve collaboration between multiple engineers.

A career in robotics engineering can be both challenging and rewarding. It offers the opportunity to work on cutting-edge technologies and make a real difference.



Miguel Norberto

🧠 📑 I write articles about emerging technologies, cybersecurity, DePin, Web3 Security, and Web3 as a Technical Writer. 💡