Robots: The First Space Colonizers

Miguel Norberto
Published in
5 min readApr 16, 2022


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Robots have the potential to change the way we live and work on Earth. For example, they could revolutionize manufacturing, transportation, and many other industries. But they also have the potential to colonize space.

A number of companies are working on robots that can operate in space. These robots would need to be able to survive the harsh environment of space and carry out basic tasks, such as exploring new planets or moons.

There is no doubt that the future of space travel rests with the use of robots. Robotics technologies have progressed significantly in recent years, making it easier and faster for machines to carry out complex tasks.

This has led to a new era of space colonization, where machines are dispatched to distant destinations searching for new life and resources.

History of Robots

The history of robots is one filled with innovation and progress. Robots have come a long way from simple machines designed to help humans in their everyday lives to more complex machines that can perform tasks independently.

Here are some key things to know about the history of robots:

First developed in the early 1800s, simple machines like the automaton were created to help humanoids do manual labor. The first self-moving machine was built in 1814 by Jacques de Vaucanson.

In the 1930s, technological breakthroughs led to the development of industrial robots. Computers could control these devices and be used for various factory tasks, such as welding and assembly.

Robots have evolved into sophisticated machines that can perform more complex tasks over the years. One of the key reasons robots are so popular is their ability to operate autonomously. This means that they don’t need human input to function correctly.

In addition, robots are less expensive to maintain than humans, and they don’t experience fatigue or stress as humans do. Consequently, they are perfect for high-stress environments such as space missions where humans are not always available.

How could robots be used in space colonization?

Robots have the potential to play an essential role in space colonization. They can help astronauts do jobs that are too dangerous or difficult to do or perform tasks that are too time-consuming or tedious. They can also help with maintenance and repairs on space vessels.

One of the biggest challenges facing space colonization is getting people and cargo to the destination planet. Robots could be used to build and operate spacecraft, ferry people and cargo to and from planets, and monitor planets to identify potentially habitable locations.

For example, they could be used to perform dangerous or complex tasks that would otherwise be too difficult or expensive for humans to do, such as operating large machinery.

They could also be used in food production and maintenance, providing a valuable service to human colonies in space. In addition, robots could help extend the lifespan of spacecraft by performing routine maintenance tasks that are often considered undesirable or dangerous.

Robots are becoming increasingly important in space colonization. This is because they can do many tasks that would be difficult or impossible for humans, such as repairing satellites and conducting scientific research.

Here are five examples of how robots are helping with space colonization.

1. The International Space Station is currently manned by astronauts. If robots can be used to maintain or build spaceships, they could take over some of the functions of humans in space. This would free up more astronauts for other tasks, like exploring new worlds.

2. Autonomous robotic spacecraft could be used to ferry goods and people between planets in our solar system. This would make it easier for people to live and work on other planets, and it would cut down on the amount of fuel needed to transport goods between planets.

3. Robots could help us explore dangerous space areas near the sun or inside comets.

4. SpaceX has been working on a robotic arm called the Interplanetary Transport System (ITS). This system would use several small robots to repair satellites and bring them back to Earth. ITS would also allow astronauts to transport cargo to and from the ISS without lifting any weight.

5. The Moon Express Corporation is developing a robot called MX-1 that it planned to send to the Moon in 2019. MX-1 will be used for surface exploration, mining resources, and building infrastructure on the lunar surface.

The colonization of space by robots is now a reality. In 2015, a Russian spacecraft called Salyut 6 became the first human-made object to enter and exit the Solar System since 1984. This mission aimed to test new technology for sending human-crewed missions to Mars.

In 2020, a Chinese probe called Tiangong 2 entered the Solar System. This spacecraft was used as a training platform for sending humans to Mars in 2025.

It is expected that there will be many more robotic space missions in the coming years, paving the way for humanity to expand beyond our planet’s orbit.

3D Printing Robots In Space

NASA is researching the use of robots for 3D printing in space. The goal is to use the technology for colonization by creating objects and structures on other planets.

Robots would be able to print using materials available on-site, making them much more self-sufficient than current methods. This could be a significant step in the future of space exploration.

As we venture further into the unknown, the need for new technologies becomes increasingly apparent. One such technology is 3d printing, which has seen widespread use on Earth for everything from prosthetic body parts to entire buildings. What if this technology could be used in space?

One company, Made In Space, is already working on this very possibility. They have developed a robot that can print objects in 3 dimensions using plastic filaments. This robot is currently being tested on the International Space Station.

The possibilities for 3d printing in space are endless. With limited resources available on a spacecraft or a planetary colony, 3d printing could be used to create everything from tools and furniture to food and clothing. It could also be used to build new spacecraft and colonize other planets.

The future of space colonization may hinge on the ability to print objects in three dimensions.

Challenges facing space exploration

Robots have the potential to help solve some of the challenges facing space exploration, including the difficult task of transporting heavy payloads and providing assistance in remote locations. However, there are a number of challenges that need to be overcome before robots can be used in space.

First, robots need to operate reliably in challenging environments, including extreme temperatures and radiation levels.

Second, they need to communicate with each other and with their operators on a remote platform, which can be difficult in microgravity conditions.

Finally, developers need to develop robust software so that robots can carry out complex tasks autonomously.

If these challenges can be overcome, then it is likely that robots will play an important role in future space exploration efforts.


Using robots in space colonization has many benefits. They are more efficient and accurate than humans when performing certain tasks. They can work for more extended periods without becoming tired, and they are less likely to be affected by the harsh conditions of outer space.

This makes them perfect for performing tasks such as constructing colonies, collecting resources, and maintaining equipment. As a result, using robots in space colonization will make the process much easier and more efficient.



Miguel Norberto

🧠 📑 I write articles about emerging technologies, cybersecurity, DePin, Web3 Security, and Web3 as a Technical Writer. 💡