Space: The Next Frontier

Miguel Norberto
Published in
10 min readJun 15, 2022
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Space exploration is the process of exploring space by any means possible.

Outer space is the environment outside Earth’s atmosphere and includes everything from Earth’s moon to the far reaches of our solar system.

With new technologies and discoveries, space exploration is becoming more accessible.

The potential rewards for discovering new worlds, understanding the universe and its contents, and advancing human knowledge are immense.

While many challenges exist before humans can genuinely explore space, the potential rewards are worth it.

Looking to the Stars for Answers

Humans have looked up at the stars for centuries in wonder and curiosity. Now we are looking to the stars for answers to some of life’s greatest questions.

How did our universe come to be? What is out there? And what will happen to it when we’re gone?

These are just a few mysteries that space exploration has helped us solve.

Ever since humans began to look up at the night sky, they’ve been fascinated by the mysteries of space.

People have been exploring space for centuries in search of answers to questions like how we got here, where we’re going, and what lies beyond our planet.

Today, more people are looking up at the stars than ever before — partly thanks to technological advances.

With satellites providing images of all parts of our galaxy and telescopes revealing secrets about distant planets and galaxies, we’re learning more about our universe than ever before.

What is Space Exploration?

Space exploration is the search for knowledge of outer space by humans. It includes spacecraft design, launch, orbit and landing, planetary exploration, and astrophysics.

It is the process of exploring outer space by any means possible. It includes the study of celestial bodies, their properties and behavior, and human-crewed and uncrewed spaceflight.

Space exploration has been conducted for centuries by various countries, but it has only become a viable global endeavor in the past few decades.

The causes of this include advances in technology, increased awareness of the importance of space exploration, and a shift in public priorities.

Today, many countries are engaged in space exploration to gain knowledge about our universe and discover new life-sustaining resources.

Over 60 years

People often think about the moon or other planets in space exploration. But space exploration has a much longer history than that.

Space exploration has been happening for over 60 years, and many questions still need to be answered.

The first attempts at space exploration were made in the early 1900s. At the time, there was a lot of interest in space because it was seen as a new frontier.

However, these early attempts were unsuccessful. One reason was that scientists didn’t know how to make rockets work.

In 1945, American scientist Robert Hinkle made the first successful rocket launch. This launch paved the way for future space exploration efforts. Over the next few decades, various countries began developing space programs.

Finally, in 1957, Russia became the first country to put a man into orbit around Earth.

The space age began on October 4, 1957, when the Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1.

The U.S. responded with the launch of Explorer 1, which became the first human-made object to enter orbit around the Earth.

In the early years of the space race, NASA was far behind the Soviets. But in 1958, President Dwight D. Eisenhower authorized Project Mercury, which aimed to put a man into orbit around the Earth.

The first person to accomplish this was American astronaut John Glenn in February 1959.

Project Gemini followed two years later and saw American astronauts Scott Carpenter and Alan Bean fly aboard twin spacecraft.

In 1961, President John F Kennedy announced that the U.S. would land a man on the moon within five years.

These missions laid the groundwork for Apollo 11, which saw U.S. astronaut Neil Armstrong become the first person to walk on the moon on July 20, 1969.

Since then, many other countries have participated in space exploration, including China, Russia, and India.

Humans have journeyed to the moon and beyond, with plans to send astronauts to Mars in the 2030s.

Along with advancing our understanding of space and its inhabitants, these missions have stimulated technological innovation and created new businesses.

The Space Race

Space exploration has always been expensive, but innovative companies are changing that.

The race to explore space has seen many innovative companies come and go, but some still stand firm today.

These companies are looking to continue pushing the boundaries of space exploration, and they are doing so by using cutting-edge technology.

Some of these companies include SpaceX by Elon Musk — CEO of Tesla Motors, two of the most innovative and forward-thinking car companies in the world, Blue Origin by Jeff Bezos, Virgin Galactic by Richard Bransom, and Boeing.

All three of these companies have successfully launched multiple missions into orbit, proving they are dedicated to making progress in space exploration.

They are also constantly looking for new ways to improve their technology, which is why they remain at the forefront of the space race.

Other companies significantly contributing to the space race include Lockheed Martin and Orbital ATK.

Lockheed Martin is responsible for developing many of the spacecraft used by NASA, while Orbital ATK is known for its innovative launch vehicles.

Both of these companies are essential in helping NASA reach new heights.

These businesses are helping to make space exploration more affordable and accessible for everyone.

The Moon

The moon is the only natural satellite of Earth and the only one we know of that is permanently inhabited.

The first humans to set foot on the moon were Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin, who became the first human beings to walk on another world on July 20, 1969.

Since then, humans have sent numerous missions to explore the moon’s surface and its many secrets.

The Artemis project is designed to return humans to the vicinity of the Moon and provide an environment in which human and robotic exploration can be conducted.

The Artemis Project will use a series of propulsive engines to send astronauts and cargo to destinations within the solar system.

The spacecraft will also feature a habitat that can support up to four crew members for periods of up to six months.

The next scheduled mission to the moon is NASA’s Lunar Gateway, which is set to launch in 2020.


Mars is the fourth planet from the sun and the second smallest after Mercury. It is also the fourth most distant from Earth, with an average distance of 238,000 miles (380,000 km).

Mars has a diameter of just under 62,500 miles (100,000 km).

The red planet has a fragile atmosphere consisting primarily of carbon dioxide and nitrogen. This atmosphere is too narrow to support life as we know it and contains only trace amounts of oxygen and water vapor.

Even so, space agencies have explored Mars extensively over the years. Some of these missions have found evidence for ancient water oceans on the planet.

Despite its inhospitable environment, Mars still holds many mysteries waiting to be uncovered by future space explorers. For example, researchers don’t know what caused much of the surface material on Mars to erode over time.

Mars Mission: SpaceX

Space is a place that fascinates and inspires people of all ages. It has been the subject of stories and myths for centuries, and in the 20th century, it became a reality for humans when we sent our first human beings into space.

Since then, we’ve gone on to explore more and more parts of space, including the moon, asteroids, comets, planets, and even beyond.

One of the most ambitious projects currently underway is the Mars mission by SpaceX.

This mission aims to send two people — one male and one female — to Mars as part of a long-term settlement program.

SpaceX is gearing up to launch another cargo spacecraft to Mars using its new Starship system.

The journey is expected to take around six months and will be the company’s fourth trip to the red planet.


SpaceX is planning to send a Starship into deep space to colonize Mars.

The Starship will be powered by dozens of Super Heavy Lift engines that will allow it to travel up to 20% faster than any other spacecraft.

SpaceX CEO Elon Musk said that this technology could help us colonize other planets within our Solar System.

What makes Starship so unique? Well, for one, it’s designed to carry big loads — up to 100 metric tons — which means it could be used for long-distance space exploration.

And since it’s reusable, SpaceX could potentially make many more trips to Mars using this technology.

This latest mission is critical because it marks the first time SpaceX has used its autonomous landing technology on Mars.

If all goes according to plan, the spacecraft will touch down inside a designated area on the planet’s surface.

The goal of this mission is twofold: first and foremost, it will provide valuable data about the Martian environment that can be used for future exploration; secondly, it will help us learn more about how humans can live on Mars in the future.

Why does Space Exploration Matter?

Space exploration is one of humanity’s oldest endeavors. It has been a part of our culture for centuries and is essential to our future. There are many reasons why space exploration matters.

First and foremost, space exploration is essential for understanding our universe. By exploring the solar system and beyond, we have learned a great deal about the origins of our planet and the universe itself.

Space exploration has also led to development of essential technologies, including GPS navigation and satellite communications.

Second, space exploration helps us learn more about ourselves. By studying other planets and moons in our solar system, we have learned a great deal about the mechanics of planetary evolution and geological processes on Earth.

Additionally, by studying distant galaxies, we have gained insights into the origins and evolution of the universe itself.

Extraterrestrial life

There is no doubt that humans are curious about the universe and its inhabitants. Since the dawn of space exploration, people have speculated about whether or not we are the only living things in the vast expanse of space.

The discovery of extraterrestrial life has long been one of humankind’s most compelling questions. Are we alone? Or are there other intelligent life forms out there?

Despite numerous scientific attempts over the years, it has yet to be conclusively proven that any form of extraterrestrial life exists beyond our planet.

However, there is a growing body of evidence suggesting that this may indeed be the case. Indeed, recent findings suggest that our universe may be rife with billions of planets harboring life.

This idea boggles our minds, given our lack of knowledge about how alien organisms might originate.

Resources For Space Enthusiasts

Space exploration has always been at the forefront of scientific curiosity and technological innovation. It provides an unlimited view of our universe, and its potential for discovery is virtually limitless.

Today, space exploration continues to provide us with new knowledge about the universe and our place within it. Here are some key resources for space enthusiasts:

  1. NASA’s website offers a wealth of information about space exploration, including news releases, video content, and educational resources.
  2. The Planetary Society provides access to images and data from spacecraft missions across all research fields and community forums where members can chat about the latest space developments.
  3. The Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) operates one of the world’s largest astronomical observatories, containing instruments that facilitate discoveries in astronomy and astrophysics.
  4. Space X is one of the leading companies in the space industry, making tremendous progress in space exploration.

Final Thoughts

Space exploration is one of the most exciting fields of research today. With the ever-growing technology, space has become a more and more accessible place for researchers.

Many planets in our Solar System could support life, but only two — Earth and Mars — have been extensively explored by humans. The rest of the planets in our Solar System are largely uncharted territory and offer a wealth of potential research subjects for scientists.

Space exploration is so important because it helps us understand the origins of our Solar System and the universe. We can learn about how our universe began and evolved by studying these objects and their environments.

Additionally, by exploring other galaxies, we can learn about the origins and evolution of galaxies throughout the universe.



Miguel Norberto

🧠 📑 I write articles about emerging technologies, cybersecurity, DePin, Web3 Security, and Web3 as a Technical Writer. 💡