Transhumanism: The Future Of Humanity?

Miguel Norberto
Published in
6 min readApr 10, 2022


Robot and Human Head design — Architect Blueprint by Jelena83

Transhumanism is a movement that advocates for the transformation of human beings into cyborgs or transhumans. Transhumanists believe that humans can improve their abilities beyond what is possible currently through technology and intervention.

This could include eliminating disease, increasing intelligence, and augmenting physical abilities. While many people view transhumanism as a futuristic concept, it has been around for years, and many adherents are working to make it a reality.

What means to be Human?

That is a question that has puzzled philosophers and scientists for centuries. Some believe that humans are animals, while others believe that humans are something more.

Whichever position one takes, there is no denying that humans are unique creatures. Here are six things that set us apart from other animals:

  1. First, we can plan and carry out complex tasks.
  2. Second, we can think abstractly and reason logically.
  3. Third, we possess a sense of empathy and compassion.
  4. Fourth, we create art and literature.
  5. Fourth, we can invent new technologies.
  6. Finally, we have a strong sense of identity and individuality.

For some, a human is simply a living, breathing individual. Others might view humans as complex animals that can reason and think abstractly.

Some might even consider humans spiritual beings with a deep connection to the universe. But, ultimately, what defines a human is up for debate and interpretation.

However, some essential traits are common to all humans regardless of their definition. These include communicating and interacting with others, having emotions and feelings, and being susceptible to illnesses and injuries.

What is Transhumanism?

Transhumanism is a philosophy and movement aiming to enhance the human condition by developing technologies that allow people to be more like machines. This includes artificial intelligence, prosthetic body parts, and genetic manipulation. Transhumanists believe that humans can continue to evolve and become more advanced beyond our current form, and they are working towards making this a reality.

This includes developing technologies to improve or even replace human body parts, such as limbs or organs. It also encompasses developing technologies to extend human life, including creating new forms of immortality.

Finally, transhumanists believe that humans should strive to create artificial general intelligence (AGI) — a computer system that can think and learn like humans.

AGIs could help us achieve our goals of becoming more intelligent, more compassionate, and more sustainable.

Transhumanism Projects

Some transhumanist projects include enhancements to intelligence, memory, strength, or speed; the development of artificial organs or body parts; and the creation of human-like robots. The goal of transhumanism is to make humans better than they are now and to extend their lifespan.

It believes that by making significant changes to how we think and act, we can increase our chances of achieving a better future. The following are some examples of transhumanist projects.

One of the leading advocates for transhumanism is the inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil. He believes that by 2029, we will have developed technology that will allow us to become artificially intelligent machines.

Sequoia, a nonprofit organization, founded by Ray Kurzweil, is one project to increase intelligence.

Sequoia’s mission is to create “the world’s first intelligent machine” and merge it with humans so that they can “live forever and ascend into a new level of intelligent life as we know it.”

Neuralink aims to develop technologies that allow humans to enhance their cognitive abilities and extend their lifespan.

Transhumanist projects focus on improving the quality of life for humans in general by developing new treatments or technologies for diseases like Alzheimer’s.

Others, like the development of intelligent prosthetic devices, are intended to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities or chronic illnesses.

Regardless of their intended purposes, all transhumanist projects share one common goal: to expand human capabilities beyond the possible.

There is no single path forward for transhumanism, and each project poses unique challenges and opportunities. But together, they constitute a powerful vision of the future — an era in which humanity becomes not just stronger but more intelligent, compassionate, and capable than ever before.

Ethics, legal and religious complications

The debate around transhumanism’s ethics, legal, and religious complications are ongoing. Some believe that it is morally wrong to tamper with nature, while others argue that we must explore all possibilities to maximize our potential.

However, there are still many unanswered questions about what kind of world we would be creating if we succeeded in altering our bodies and minds.

Would transhumanism lead to a world where humans are no longer distinguishable from robots? Or would it simply create new forms of exploitation? These are just a few things that need to be considered as we move forward with this technology.

While some people believe that transhumanism is a good thing, others believe that it is dangerous and could lead to the downfall of humanity. There are also concerns about how transhumanism will affect the rights of human beings. This debate will continue as the technology grows more advanced.

The debate over whether or not humans should be enhanced has been simmering for decades and is unlikely to disappear any time soon.

Many observers believe that the technology exists to make significant enhancements in the health and well-being of humans and that society should seriously consider enacting regulations to allow for such interventions.

Others believe that any enhancement would be ethically questionable and should be avoided at all costs.

What could it mean to become a transhuman?

There is no one right way to become transhuman, but many people believe that medical and technological advancements are the best way to achieve this goal.

For example, some people hope to achieve immortality by using advanced medical technologies or adding nanotechnology to their bodies. Others believe that we should focus on enhancing our cognitive abilities through technology. Whether or not we become transhuman depends on how willing we are to explore new possibilities and how prepared we are for the changes that will come with it.

One of those changes that transhumanism brings is saving human lives by using robots to replace organs. Currently, doctors must take organs from deceased humans or have lost them in an accident. Using robots to create organs could reduce the number of organs needed and ultimately save more human lives.

There are some challenges with this approach, however. For example, many people are not ready to replace their organs with machines. Additionally, there are concerns about how long these robot-made organs will last.

Concerns About Transhumanism

There are concerns about transhumanism because it could lead to a future in which humans are no longer unique and special.

Transhumanists believe that humans can become cyborgs, or beings who have cybernetic bodies and that we should use technology to improve our intelligence and ability to survive in the environment.

Some people believe that this could lead to a future in which humans are superior to other species and that we should try to control all aspects of the natural world. Others believe that transhumanism is a way for people to escape their humdrum lives and explore new possibilities.

The concerns about transhumanism suggest that it is an important topic for discussion, but it needs more research before we can say whether or not it will lead to a better future for humanity.

Some transhumanist communities believe that the benefits of such technology outweigh any potential risks, but others are concerned about the implications of superhumanly enhanced humans.

These concerns include questions about who will control these technologies, fears about what might happen if these enhancements become widespread, and worries about what kind of society we would be living in if everyone were changed into cyborgs.

There is still considerable uncertainty about the potential risks and benefits of transhumanism, but it is clear that this rapidly growing movement raises many vital questions.


Transhumanism is a rapidly growing movement that has the potential to change the world as we know it. While there are many concerns about the implications of transhumanism, the potential benefits are too great to ignore.

We must carefully consider the risks and benefits of transhumanist technologies and work to ensure that they are used for the benefit of all people.

We must also ensure that everyone has access to these technologies to leave no one behind.



Miguel Norberto

🧠 📑 I write articles about emerging technologies, cybersecurity, DePin, Web3 Security, and Web3 as a Technical Writer. 💡