How Good is Red Cabbage for Your Rabbit?

Published in
2 min readJan 20, 2021

Well, I’ve seen many people asking on social media related to rabbits and red cabbages.

Some people ask whether rabbits can eat red cabbages, others ask whether red cabbage is safe for their bunnies, and other similar questions.

So in this post, I’m going to answer this question, once and for all.

Let’s begin.

To answer it simply, yes, rabbits can eat red cabbages. It’s perfectly fine for them.

Caution with Feeding Red Cabbage to Rabbits

However, as a caution, do not overfeed red cabbage to your little rabbits. Or don’t make it a part of their regular diet. It will cause bloating, acidity, or some other digestive problems if fed in excess.

Also, one thing to note is that, if you feed excess red cabbage to your rabbit, their urine will turn green.

Let me explain why…

Rabbits, Red Cabbage and Urine

I am extracting this paragraph directly from a blog called “PetSprout” (available at:, which talks about red cabbage and rabbit urine.

If a rabbit eats a lot of red cabbage, the red color from the cabbage will dissolve in water. The red dissolved color from the cabbage will get turned into blue color due to alkalinity. And, the yellow color of the urine will mix with the blue color to give the green color urine.

So, if you see green-colored urine from rabbits after feeding red cabbage, stop feeding them at once.

Nutrition in Red Cabbage

Let’s look at the nutritional values available in red cabbage.

  1. Energy — 31 calories
  2. Fat — 0.2 g
  3. Protein — 1.4 g
  4. Carbohydrates — 7 g
  5. Potassium — 243 mg
  6. Vitamin A equiv. — 2 μg
  7. Folate (B9) — 24 μg
  8. Vitamin C — 34.4 my
  9. Vitamin K — 47.6 μg

Now that you’ve seen how nutritional red cabbage is, it’s time to cover other necessary details.

Risks of Overfeeding Red Cabbage to the Bunnies

Here are some of the risks that overfeeding may pose to your rabbits.

  • Bloating
  • Has or Acidity
  • Digestive issues

Benefits of Feeding Red Cabbage

  • it prevents inflammation in rabbits
  • It lowers cholesterol
  • It lowers blood pressure
  • It improves digestion.

Now, that’s it for this article. Thanks for reading.

