Intelligent automation: when RPA meets AI

Sam Hendrickx
Raccoons Group
Published in
4 min readFeb 21, 2022

Throughout the year, Raccoons organises different masterclasses about a wide range of technologies. One of those masterclasses, covers the topic of “intelligent automation” or as we refer to as “cognitive RPA”.

Last Tuesday, the first masterclass took place at our own offices in Leuven with over 30 enthusiastic participants. During these masterclasses, we demonstrate the possibilities of combining artificial intelligence (AI) and robotic process automation (RPA). Almost any potential business process for robotic process automation requires some form of human intelligence. Combining the expertise of our venture Brainjar with the people from Roborana, we we’re able to deliver an in-depth workshop filled with use cases.

Intelligent automation masterclass

What is intelligent automation?

Automation is one of the key driving factors for businesses in the 21st century. Traditional automation technologies like Robotic Process Automation focus on automating mindless repetitive tasks that don’t require any complex reasoning. Automating these tasks can have a tremendous influence on both efficiency and job satisfaction, but is limited when reasoning is required to steer the process.

Enter Intelligent Automation: By combining traditional automation tools with the power of Artificial Intelligence, it becomes possible to model and automate increasingly complex processes. AI can make sense of unstructured data, take decisions based on thousands of variables and can improve its performance by learning from experience.

Why Brainjar & Roborana?

Brainjar has a focus on applied artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence, AI in short, is the field of research aimed at automating tasks normally requiring human intelligence. The field of AI is almost as old as computers themselves and has been constantly pushing the boundary of what is possible in the field of automation. With the rise of deep learning, the field of AI is going through a development boom, revolutionising fields like computer vision (CV) and natural language understanding (NLU). AI is becoming exceedingly crucial in making sense of the exponentially increasing amount of unstructured data being generated.

RoboRana has a team of over 20 people working with RPA. Robotic process automation, also referred to as RPA, is the automation of repetitive, high volume and manual processes with software robots that mimic human actions and connect multiple systems without changing the existing IT landscape. RPA is a business friendly solution that allows a rapid value check and can boost the efficiency of administrative tasks across the organisation.

What we cover during the masterclass

Artificial intelligence

  • What is AI?
  • How does AI work?
  • Possible use cases

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

  • What is RPA and what can we expect
  • Possible benefits
  • Robots at work: demo use cases

Intelligent automation

  • Combining AI + RPA into intelligent automation
  • How to implement it

Case studies

  • Chatbot + RPA
  • Intelligent OCR + RPA
  • Natural language processing — RPA
  • Customer success story
Cognitive RPA masterclass
Cognitive RPA masterclass
Cognitive RPA masterclass
Cognitive RPA masterclass
Cognitive RPA masterclass
Cognitive RPA masterclass
Cognitive RPA masterclass
Cognitive RPA masterclass
Cognitive RPA masterclass
Cognitive RPA masterclass
Cognitive RPA masterclass
Cognitive RPA masterclass

Next sessions

You couldn’t make it to our first session? No worries! We offer more sessions this year at various venues. More information about upcoming masterclasses can be found here!

Register now!

Stay informed

Interested in what we do at Raccoons? Great! Besides cognitive RPA, we are heavily invested in mobile & web, artificial intelligence, chatbots, augmented reality, blockchain… We try to stay on top of new and emerging technologies.

