Introducing Raccoons!

Michiel Vandendriessche
Raccoons Group
Published in
4 min readDec 21, 2018

On 20 December 2018 Craftworkz organised their “What’s next?” event in the offices of Cronos Leuven with the slogan: “We’ve got some exciting news…”. The idea was to bring together over 200 clients, partners, suppliers and friends and to introduce a new company structure that is ready for the future.

I greatly appreciate and support the idea behind Craftworkz and the other initiatives, because I think it will develop the prosperity in our region in the future. — Mohamed Ridouani

The Craftworkz family

Craftworkz started in June 2016 with a mission: to make innovation tangible for all businesses in all markets… Today, they have a team of 23 motivated and highly talented people who share this vision and who help making this mission a reality! Craftworkz has built many projects: from chatbots, to mobile apps, to robotics, to AR and VR… Because focus is everything when you’re working with new technologies, they decided to divide Craftworkz in different ventures all part of the same family, but with a clear distinct focus.

The Craftworkz family consists of four ventures, which were officially (re)launched during the event:

Every venture got the chance to introduce themselves to the audience and present this specific focus for 2019 and beyond.


Apart from the four ventures in the family, another brand was introduced. The family itself, which is called Raccoons ( Raccoons is the superstructure for the four ventures and is based on two pillars: innovation and entrepreneurship.


Raccoons is a technology group focusing on innovation and disruptive technologies. It consists of many different ventures, all with their own knowledge, focus and expertise. Ranging from advanced software prototyping, to machine learning, to chatbots, to innovative consultancy, we can turn your wildest software dreams into reality!


Raccoons stimulates young entrepreneurs by turning their ideas into viable business models. With the right guidance, coaching and knowledge sharing, we can give entrepreneurs a quick start into building a professional brand, part of this beautiful family!

A wonderful evening

Apart from the launch of the five ventures, the evening was decorated with interesting demo’s and inspiring speakers. Dirk Deroost from The Cronos Group talked about the power of Cronos for stimulating young entrepreneurs. Mohammed Ridouani, the mayor elect of the city of Leuven, talked about the facilities the city provides and the importance of the connections with the university and colleges of Leuven. Finally, Deevid De Meyer from Brainjar closed the evening with an inspiring talk about the future of artificial intelligence. Together with some good company and nice food & drinks, we would like to call this event a huge success. We see a great future for Raccoons and all its ventures and we hope we will see you in 2019 to innovate together!

UPDATE: Watch the aftermovie

We created an aftermovie of the event! Watch it here:

More info



Michiel Vandendriessche
Raccoons Group

I am a computer scientist with a specialisation in AI. I co-founded an innovative service company called 'Craftworkz' and a chatbot platform called 'Oswald'.