A New Year’s Party for the Ages

My dream guest list for New Year’s Eve

Rachael Hope
Rachael Writes


Photo by Yutacar on Unsplash

I was tagged for this challenge by Natalie Frank, Ph.D., and I don’t usually do this kind of thing, but it was an interesting question to consider.

I admit, it is pretty difficult to limit it to five people. I’m going to assume that my best friend is also at this party, because we’re together all the time. So, who do I want to hang out with?

Kristen Bell & Dax Shepard

I’m counting them as one invite since the live together — it’s my post, and I make the rules! Haha. Kristen and Dax (we might as well get comfortable if we’re going to be best friends) are my favorite Hollywood couple and a little bit of an obsession. Okay, not really, but I would absolutely love to hang out with them. I listened to both of the episodes of his podcast (Armchair Expert) she was on, and they have a lot of similar ideas about relationships to me. Not only that, but they are genuinely funny and interesting people who are not afraid to admit their mistakes and laugh at themselves.


I just think that it would be really fun to hang out with Lizzo. I think she would fit right in with me and Kate, and maybe after we all became friends she would come on our podcast (coming 2020!), Not Ideal, and shoot…



Rachael Hope
Rachael Writes

Polyamorous, loud laughing unapologetic feminist, rad fatty, and epic sweet tooth.