Restoring Our Dreams: Trump’s Reign of Abuse is Over

It’s time to move out of survival mode and into the light of healing from the trauma of America’s worst president.

Rachael Hope
Rachael Writes


Photo by Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia Commons (cc)

This morning, I experienced a lot of firsts. I have never cried during the National Anthem before. I’ve never been moved to tears by Jennifer Lopez or been so sentimental hearing songs about America. I’ve never been so deeply touched by an invocation prayer. I found myself incredibly moved by Father O’Donovan’s words:

Be with us, Holy Mystery of Love, as we dream together. Help us under our new President to reconcile the people of our land, restore our dream, and invest it with peace and justice and the joy that is the overflow of love.

On the capital steps today, instead of power, I saw joy. Excitement. Plans and dreams. This is the antithesis of everything we have heard and absorbed for the last four years.

The thing about abusive relationships is that you rarely realize how abusive they are until they are over. Sometimes you begin to see it, and that’s why you decide to leave it. But it’s afterwards that the real discovery begins. Extracted from the situation, you start to see, more and more, how not okay things were. That’s when you can get out of survival mode and recognize the trauma…



Rachael Hope
Rachael Writes

Polyamorous, loud laughing unapologetic feminist, rad fatty, and epic sweet tooth.