Why I Write About Sex

My sexuality is a part of who I am, as a woman and as a writer

Rachael Hope
Rachael Writes


Photo by Valeria Boltneva from Pexels

Sex is a hot topic, in more ways than one. It’s one of the great joys in life, but people have differing opinions about who, where, why, and how often we should be talking (or writing) about it. I fall squarely into the camp of talking about it often and with gusto.

This week, I read Michelle Monet’s piece, I Just Don’t Wanna Write or Read About Sex. I certainly don’t think anyone should read about sex, or write about it, if it doesn’t make them happy. Still, her words inspired me to consider all of the reasons I writing about sex is so important to me.

Sexuality is part of humanity.

Sexuality is a part of who we are as human beings, yet one of the most taboo subjects to talk about. Our culture teaches us from the moment we’re born and start using silly pet names to refer to our genitals that it’s not something we talk about earnestly or in polite company.

I write about sex to try and normalize it. Our culture is incredibly negative about sex in general, and I want to do my part to change that. We shouldn’t be raising our children to feel like something natural is abnormal or shameful.



Rachael Hope
Rachael Writes

Polyamorous, loud laughing unapologetic feminist, rad fatty, and epic sweet tooth.