3 Productivity Tips for Depressed Folks — And Everyone Else

How to deal with having “off” days, frequently

Rachel Yerks
Rachel’s Journey


Man sitting outside on a rock looking lost in thought and a bit sad. Pensive. He is wearing a white t-shirt and jeans, with a green ballcap. His arms are tattooed. He has workboots on. The background is blurred but looks like a beach’s rocky shore.
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

We all have days where we are seemingly too tired to do anything. These days may be in your control, such as when you stayed up far too late watching Squid Game, or maybe you drank a bit too much at the bar.

Maybe you struggle with your mental health, other medical conditions, or just don’t hit the gym as often as you should. Maybe all three.

It doesn’t matter. Feeling tired and unmotivated all day stinks, regardless of the reason. You had plans, even if those plans were “just” to write an article, meet up with friends, or do the weekly household chores.

1. Put in 5 minutes of effort each day

I’m not going to tell you to be productive every second of your day. That’s unreasonable. If you have depression, it’s next to impossible.

But everyone can put in five minutes.

You can do a load of laundry. Moving the clothes to the washer and into the dryer takes fewer than five minutes.

You don’t need to fold the clothes.

They can be selected right from the drum on Monday morning if need be.

