If Your Writing & Art Catalog is Big Enough, You’ll Make All The $$$ You Want
Unlike Van Gogh, you have the internet
Quantity beats quality. There’s no way around it. The more articles you publish and the more art you create, the higher the chance your work will be purchased.
By providing more options, you’re likely to please a larger audience. Whether you’re a blogger or someone selling templates on Etsy, quantity is your friend.
It’s not worth the time to create one masterpiece. You’d need that piece to go viral 10x to “make it”. The more you publish, the more chances you give yourself to earn an income from writing.
I’ll admit, I’ve searched for a shortcut. I think we all have. But at the end of the day, if you keep at it, you’ll see results.
I have an article catalog of over 300 articles across multiple websites now. Some of these articles are duds and never earned me more than $1 in their lifetime.
However, the sheer number of articles earning me 10 cents here or thirty cents there has given me a consistent three-figure side hustle income without lifting a finger [this month].
I wrote one article in November and still pulled 3 figures from all the old writing I have floating around the internet.