DEI Hire — Code For “The Black Guy Who Got Hired Is Never As Qualified As The White Guy Who Didn’t”

MAGA people hate DEI because white guys were supposed to automatically get all the good jobs. How dare black people challenge that!

David Grace
Racism & Immigration Columns By David Grace


Image by WikiImages from Pixabay

By David Grace (Amazon PageDavid Grace Website)

Racists Had To Switch To Dog Whistles

It used to be that racists could just call black people the N-word and nothing would happen to them, but I think that around the 1960s the N-word came to be so frowned on that it became more difficult for racists to get away with using it in public.

In 1976, Gerald Ford’s Secretary of Agriculture, Earl Butz, was overheard joking that “Coloreds only want three things: loose shoes, tight pussy, and a warm place to shit.” He was eventually forced to resign because of that remark.

No doubt Butz thought that losing his job for merely telling a racist joke that undeservedly denigrated tens of millions of Americans was terribly unfair. “Gee, don’t people have a sense of humor anymore?” he probably thought.

After that, politicians who previously used the N-word found they had to adapt to changing conditions. They developed new tactics to label black people. For example, in private they sometimes used gestures like a palm being lowered across their face to signal the word “shade.”

It has now become common for MAGA Republicans to use “dog whistles,” code words that let others of a like mind know what they’re saying, but which might not register with the general population. The dog whistle “G” in MAGA doesn’t mean “Great.” To the Trump cult members it means “run by straight white Christians” as in “Make America Run By Straight White Christians Again.”

The New Racist Code Phase: DEI Hire

Recently, the racists have begun using a new dog-whistle code phrase: DEI hire.

What DEI Actually Means

The acronym DEI is properly used as short for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. It was intended to refer to policies that companies and government agencies could employ to make people of various minority ethnic, racial, gender and religious backgrounds feel welcome and to ensure that they would not be discriminated against because of their non-white, non-male, or non-Christian status.

What DEI Means To Racists

But racists now have begun using “DEI hire” as a code phrase that one racist uses to signal to other racists that the designated minority person is unqualified for their job (Didn’t Earn It) and only got that job as a reward for their race or ethnicity.

The racists think that the general population won’t understand this is a racist code phrase and that therefore they can get away with saying it in public in situations where using the N-word would cause them a problem.

Harris Called “A DEI Hire”

Recently, Tennessee Republican Congressman Tim Burchett, on camera, called Kamala Harris “a DEI Hire” meaning that unlike previous Vice Presidents such as Spiro Agnew (convicted felon), Richard Nixon (pardoned before he could be a convicted felon), and Dan Quale, she was not qualified to be Vice President, but rather had been unfairly awarded that office only because she was a black female.

The implication of the “DEI hire” label is that just by being black a black person is inherently inferior to a white applicant for the same job and can’t possibly be qualified for whatever position they get.

Burchett Had No Evidence To Support His Accusation

Before he labeled Harris as an unqualified DEI hire what facts did Burchett have to support that accusation?

  • Did Burchett know what grades she earned in high school? No.
  • What her SAT scores were when she applied for admission to Howard University? No.
  • What grades she received in college? No.
  • Her LSAT score when she applied to UC San Francisco Law School? No.
  • What grades she earned in law school and what her class ranking was when she graduated? No.
  • Her conviction rate when she was a Deputy District Attorney in San Francisco? No.
  • The fact that she was elected District Attorney in a city where blacks are only 5.7% of the population? No.
  • The fact that she was elected Attorney General and elected as a U.S. Senator in a state where blacks are only 5% of the population? No.

Burchett knew nothing about her qualifications, her performance, or her accomplishments, only that she was a black woman holding a high office. And that’s all he needed to know!

Because racists believe that black people are fundamentally, automatically, inferior to white people, therefore, by default, no black person in a high position, such as Harris, could possbily deserve it.

Racists Have Done Everything Possible To Keep Blacks Unqualified

If black people were so inherently stupid why did slave-holding states make it illegal to teach them to read? Why were black people prevented from having access to the same libraries and colleges that white people could use? If they were that stupid why would blacks need access to places of higher learning in the first place?

Racists have done everything they can to prevent black people from gaining an education, being able to practice a profession, being able to operate a business, being able to hold public office, being able to purchase land, etc. etc. not because blacks are fundamentally inferior but because racists have always been afraid that if not restricted black people would compete with them.

Now, finally, when companies and government agencies are told they can’t blatantly get away with their old discriminatory policies, the outraged racists bitterly complain that fairly hiring and fairly promoting employees irrespective of their gender or race is unfair to white males.

So, now those racists are using the code phrase, “DEI hire” because they can’t just call someone a damn N***** any more.

The Real Unfairly Hired & Promoted Ethnicity is White Males

If you’re sincerely concerned about some ethnic group getting undeserved promotions and being the beneficiaries of unfair favoritism, you need to start cracking down on white males because white males are the country’s biggest recipients of unfair employment and promotion.

The term you should be using is WM Hire, as in “That guy who’s afraid to talk the customers is a WM hire”; “My dumb, incompetent boss just got a WM promotion”; “That Congressman from Tennessee is a WM hire.”

We all should be using “WM Hire” to indicate unqualified white males who receive their job or promotion because the white person making the decision assumes that the black and female candidates could never be as competent as that nice white guy.

Be Aware That The Mouth That The Words “DEI Hire” Comes Out Of Belongs To A Racist

If you say that some minority person whose grades, test scores or accomplishments you know nothing about is automatically a DEI Hire, you should be called out for the racist that you are.

— David Grace (Amazon PageDavid Grace Website)

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David Grace
Racism & Immigration Columns By David Grace

Graduate of Stanford University & U.C. Berkeley Law School. Author of 16 novels and over 400 Medium columns on Economics, Politics, Law, Humor & Satire.