The White Problem in National Impeachment Polls

Humanity should count most

Sam McKenzie Jr.
Published in
2 min readOct 24, 2019


Public support to impeach and remove Trump is growing. But it shouldn’t surprise anyone that white voters do not want to impeach Trump or remove Trump from office. “White” remains a dominant divide; it’s a racist divide that can only close by ending it politically.

Look at the CNN poll from October 2019. According to the poll, 40% of white voters say they support impeaching Trump and removing him from office. Contrast that 40% with the 68% of “non-white” voters who say the same.

Taken together, we get this headline — “50% support impeaching Trump and removing him from office.” The CNN poll isn’t an outlier; other polls show similar results. The national impeachment polls have a white problem because the country has a white problem.

White voters embody voter suppression, and whiteness impacts polls based on its population numbers. With whiteness being a united state of corruption and domination, any impact by whiteness is an issue. Whiteness comes from oppression; whiteness can only be oppressive, and white population numbers oppress polls and elections.

You can’t have free and fair elections without getting free from whiteness.

