Advertise on My Laptop

J. Angelo Racoma N2RAC/DU2XXR
Published in
3 min readAug 28, 2006


Let’s put our laptop lid advertising (Sacha, Blogging Pro, bLaptops, the J Spot) concept to the test. I’ll be speaking at the 3rd Techfactors Regional Educators’ ICT Summit this Wednesday, August 30th at the University of the Philippines (my topic is The Learning Preferences of the New Generation). The audience will consist mainly of about 200 educators in the various ICT fields from Metro Manila schools.

Unlike Sacha, who’s selling space by the square inch (or quarter of an inch, even), I think I’ll go in larger chunks, considering the affair will not be as intimate as BarCamp, and I’ll be speaking at front, and not mingling with the crowd (well, mingling comes during the break times). So visibility from greater distances is important in this case.

Okay, I’m interested. How much will it cost?

Considering that my laptop has a relatively larger screen and lid real-estate than Sacha’s ultraportable, we can go in chunks of 4" x 4" or even 8" x 4". This is a 14-inch widescreen, and the actual area of the lid is about 13" x 9". That leaves enough space for six 4" x 4" images or three 8" x 4" stickers comfortably side by side on the lid with enough free space in between.

The prices:

* US$ 50 for a 4x4 image
* US$ 75 for an 8x4 image
* US$ 100 for an 8x8 image

Okay, we can go smaller, but you’ll have to email me so we can agree upon a price. And, this is first come (or first emailed?), first served. Hey, the 8x8 space is cheap (do the math). You can slash off 100% from the price of four 4x4s if you and three friends are interested in putting up 4x4 ads each.

The Elevator Pitch

This arrangement goes with the standard elevator pitch, meaning if someone asks about the ad, I’ll introduce the product/service/site to them in less than a minute (which is enough to capture the interest of people if done right). This means I cannot possibly pitch stuff that I’m not comfortable using myself, so I reserve the right to turn down unsuitable ads.

Materials, images, URLs, etc.

I’ll supply the materials and do the printing myself, unless you have some need to send me some specialized, embossed, gold-plated, diamond-encrusted logo of your company. Just send me a suitable image in print-size resolution, along with instructions to add a URL or some text, and let’s talk business.

Also, to give proof of your product’s exposure, I’ll email you back pictures from the event with your ads prominently placed on my laptop lid. Heck, I’ll even post them here on my blog.

Contact Me

Get in touch with me via the usual email address — jangelo at racoma dot net. You have until tomorrow evening (August 29th, +0800H GMT) to place your orders, as the event will start early on Wednesday.

I think our PayPal for the Philippines logo should have a spot.



J. Angelo Racoma N2RAC/DU2XXR

Angelo is editor at TechNode.Global. He writes about startups, corp innovation & venture capital (plus amateur radio on Tips: