Top Stories published by in March of 2005

Blogs and personal websites

Rex Hammock writes on the difference between a blog and a personal website. He expounds that,

  • A personal website is a static

    presence on the Internet that can be comprised of many components, a

    weblog being one of those components. (Or, you can make…

Blogging as a tool for executives

Jeremy Wright writes on how to encourage executives to start blogging, and the pros and cons to consider when engaging in the activity. Summary of the points is as follows:


  1. Increased trust in the organization…

One missed call

You’ll know it’s probably time to upgrade when your phone looks like this:

According to the post,


three dead and one severely wounded bomb-squad techs, a team in Iraq

happened upon this detonator—the one time we’re glad a…

Call for help

As posted on the Babel Machine:

An article seeking help in locating of a Missing Person: Mary Crystal F. Alojipan (picture provided).

If you see her

or learn her current status, please call the Philippine National Police

117 c/o Agent Code 0044 (or…

On republishing blog posts

Robert Scoble of Microsoft,

one of the more prominent personalities in the blogosphere, and in my

regular reading list, publishes (aside from his main blog) a “link blog” where he features aggregated posts by other bloggers that he deems re-post worthy.

Joey Alarilla on Software Piracy: not fun and games after all

Inquirer Online’s Joey Alarilla

writes on software piracy, particularly that of games. He

contends that while some see it as a necessary evil, because Pinoys

generally could not afford to purchase the real deal (i.e…

Gag order on stude blogging

From the Rutherland Herald:

Officials at Proctor Jr.-Sr. High School have banned access

from school computers to an Internet site that students have been using

to post to weblogs, or blogs.
Principal Chris Sousa said the…

These were the top 10 stories published by in March of 2005. You can also dive into daily archives for March of 2005 by using the calendar at the top of this page.