All Stories published by on May 10, 2005

Filipino society ripe for blogging

Augusto de Leon writes on this May 8 commentary on

“Our society is ripe for

blogging. Radio and TV programs where people can go to complain or ask

for help with their problems in dealing with the government grow in

popularity. The…

Al Gore, Internet Inventor

An interesting article from Globetechnology: Gore to get lifetime award for Internet

Al Gore may have been lampooned for taking credit in the Internet’s development, but organizers of the Webby Awards for on-line achievements don’t find it funny at all. In…

Back online

After publishing my last post this 4:06 a.m.,

I went off to sleep hoping to get feedback from my regular readers (all

two of them?

PR lesson: Blogging from the gut

Sound corporate blogging advice from Micro Persuasion:

PR instinct tells us to have

the executives — and only the execs — speak for the firm. But blogs

break down these walls. We can now hear from everyone inside the heart

of a corporation —…