Top Stories published by in June of 2005

The Filipina online

I previously posted on the Yan ang Pinay movement now propagating in cyberspace (now with button links in my left sidebar), where people are basically encouraged to write about Filipinas and even Filipinos in general. This is in the aim of improving the status of the Filipina online…

On offshoring and comparative advantage

BW posts on outsourcing woes, and I responded with the following comment:

Now the westerners are the ones airing their woes. I remember there

used to be a time (or is it still that way these days) when Pinoy

activists aggressively…


Jeremy Wagstaff writes on a conversation with a bank rep and raises questions on the security of transacting over the phone.

Jeremy is right in that “fraud is as much about social engineering as it is about technical wizardry.” Lesson learned: don’t give out data to strangers!

Yan ang Pinay

‘Net connectivity spawns a new occupation. Credit it to Pinoy ingenuity. A commentary by Cheryl R. Chua on’s

Youngblood talks on how some Filipino women are taking advantage of

technology to earn big bucks. And this is not your typical

e-commerce type setup. They seek out friendly (or…

Streaming audio at eRadioPortal

Check out eRadioPortal, where you can listen to streaming audio from local stations (yes, even thru a dialup connection).

From what I’ve read and heard, podcasting is getting to be a big thing

in the west. After all, it gives a voice to the…

The Fifth Estate

This afternoon, I watched a CNN panel discussion (during the CNN World Report Conference) on blogging entitled “Blogging: the Fifth Estate.”

The topics discussed were mostly U.S.-specific, particularly with the

way blogs and blogging have come to shape society and change…

Inq7 is publishing RSS, online edition of the Philippine Daily Inquirer, a top Philippine broadsheet, is publishing RSS feeds. 

The syndication page says the feeds “are still in beta mode,” but they

seem to work well enough on my end. A note: they only publish

article summaries, so you’d have to go…

Yahoo! releases own corporate blogging guidelines

Great! First it was IBM. Now it’s Yahoo! Jeremy Zawodny posts on Yahoo!’s Employee Blog Guidelines. He offers the official version and his own advice.

Basically, just about anyone can and will read what you publish. So…

Cebu ICT 2005 Blog is linking to me

Checked out who links to me via Technorati, found out quite interestingly that CEBU ICT Blog is linking to me.

Cebu ICT 2005, the acronym for

Conference and Exhibition on Business and ICT, is one of the major

thrusts of Cebu Business Month…

Corporate blogging rules compared

A great analysis from Corporate Blogging Blog: Corporate Blogging Policies compared. 

Fredrik analyzes among published (and publicized) blogging policies by

some major firms, and notes some core principles shared by all. 

It basically boils down to the folllowing:

These were the top 10 stories published by in June of 2005. You can also dive into daily archives for June of 2005 by using the calendar at the top of this page.