All Stories published by on August 03, 2005

We need people with mobile phones

i.PH is adding more internet-to-SMS gateways! We’ve had Chikka

from the start (for the local GSM market) and recently added a handful

of other gateways. We’re currently expanding the system to

support more.

PCIJ: Blogs can bring about social change

Alecks Pabico of PCIJ

is currently talking on how blogs demonstrate the internet’s potential

in bringing about social change. Alecks stressed that PCIJ

enjoyed the

spontaniety (interactivity with readers) and flexibility (i.e.

multimedia content…

Who is ERAP?

Still at iBlog. A fellow blogger owned up to being one of the writers of, the funny satire blog of former President “Josep Estrada” (misspelling intended).

Wow, what a revelation! I can’t name names, though.


and blogging blogs

Posting from iBlog Mini

Am currently at the iBlog Mini Summit on “Gloriagate.” People here are discussing about the political aspects of blogging.

Dean Raul C. Pangalagngan discussed that blogging, indeed, is an excellent form of expression (and as envisioned by the Philippine 1987…

iBlog mini photos

L-R: Dean Raul Pangalangan; Atty. JJ Disini; Atty. Disini & Manolo Quezon; iBlog audience. Taken during the iBlog Mini summit, August 4, 2005, at the UP Law Center.

More photos here.


and blogging blogs