All Stories published by on August 20, 2005

The Philippine Office of Civil Defense

Chanced upon this via Google. The Office of Civil Defense of the Department of National Defense has a blog! Or at least their “news” page appears to be using a content management system commonly utilized in blogs (Mambo).

Blogs and search engines

Checking the referral stats for the J Spotter

(my blog on “personal insights”), I was surprised to see a lot of hits

coming from queries on “Rene Jarque.” I stopped wondering when I

got an email from Billy Esposo via the COPA-NET egroup that former

Captain Jarque has passed away.

I have virii!

Or do I?

I blame it on myself for not regularly running my AVG’s

complete test. It automatically launched this morning, and

already found six infections five minutes into the scan. Or at

least AVG thinks they’re malware (but are most likely just cookies or

java scripts that…