Bantay ICT condemns PCIJ Blog infiltration

J. Angelo Racoma N2RAC/DU2XXR
Published in
2 min readJun 29, 2005


Bantay ICT condemns the recent infiltration of the PCIJ blog, stating that the “incident is an infringement on our constitutionally guaranteed right to

information and freedom of expression. It bodes of worst things to come.”

I react to comments by readers:

He didn’t delete any accounts, posts, articles, files

or valuable information, right? … he wanted to leave his mark on this


- Swerty

That’s exactly what my cracker did to my blog–deleted accounts, posts, and posted his /her own, two days in a row.

But the fact that Rebz did not delete any data nor post any propaganda material doesn’t preclude the

possibility of someone else sanctioning an attack.

But it is not

uncommon for crackers to simply make attacks on their own whims,

and then show off recent exploits. So at this point, we can only


hacking is a sign of immaturity. weakness.

- Sinningsaint

Then if so, the world’s innovators were immature and weak, such as

those who invented /worked on the wheel, the telephone, the telegraph, the

internal combustion engine, relativity, the Linux kernel. It’s quite disappointing that the terms hack, hacking and hacker are becoming more known by their negative connotation, and hence glorifying script kiddies and hence encouraging them to do further attacks.

As tech journalist Erwin Oliva wrote:

A good hack meant way back in the 60s and 70s a good computer program.

But words and its usage do evolve … the term hacker is now a generic term used by journalists

worldwide to describe script kiddes, crackers, phreakers, and whatnot.

Try asking around if any good programmer wants to be called a hacker these days.

At any rate, whatever the motivation of the PCIJ Blog’s attacker, I can

say that the exploit was very timely, indeed. In the next coming

days perhaps, we shall see how events in the socio-political scene

would turn out.


and network security system



J. Angelo Racoma N2RAC/DU2XXR

Angelo is editor at TechNode.Global. He writes about startups, corp innovation & venture capital (plus amateur radio on Tips: